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模块四Unit 1

1.share sth.with/between/among sb. 与某人分享,分担或共用某事

2.be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事

3.be aware of/that 意识到,知道

4.at one’s service 听候某人吩咐

5.lead a … life 过着…的生活

6.be tired of / be bored with 对…感到厌倦

7.be satisfied with / be pleased with 对…感到满意

8.appeal to sb./sth. 有吸引力,上诉,呼吁

9.in place 在正确位置,准备妥当,在工作

10.o ut of place 位置不当,不得体,不适当

11.t ake place 举行,发生

12.b e intended/meant for sb./sth. 为…打算(或设计)的

13.b e intended /meant to do sth 打算/计划,意欲做某事

14.h old one’s breath 屏息

15.d etermine to do sth. be determined to do sth./ decide to do sth 决定做某事

16.r eact to sth. 对…做出反应,回应

17.r eact against sb./sth. 反对,反抗

18.f all for 上当,受骗,爱上

19.p lay tricks on sb. 欺骗,捉弄

20.c ommit suicide 自杀

21.t rick sb. into doing 诱使/欺骗某人做某事

22.o ver and over again 反复地

23.d ay and night 整天,昼夜

24.t urn around 转身

25.b elieve in 信任,信仰

26.g et sth. across 传达,被理解,使人了解

27.p ut sth. together 组织,汇集,组装

28.p ut up 举起,张贴

29.p ut up with 忍受,容忍

30.e ncourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事

31.c onnect…to/with…把…和…联结起来

32.a round/across the whole country 遍及全国

33.c ommit suicide 自杀

34.c ommit a murder 谋杀

35.c ommit a robbery 抢劫

36.a dvise sb.to do.sth / advise doing/ advise that (should) do建议做某事

37.b e smart about 聪明地,明智地对待,对…敏锐

38.p ersuade sb. into sth/doing sth./ persuade sb to do 劝服/说服某人做某事

39.o n sale 出售,上市,减价出售

40.o n the market 出售,上市,有现货供应

41.g et sb.to do sth. 让某人做某事

42.b e concerned about /with sth 感兴趣的,关切的,关注的

43.p ublic service advertisements 公益广告

44.c ommercial advertisements 商业广告

45.d eal with large social issues 处理大的社会问题

46.m ake comments on/about sth./ comment on/upon sth. 对…作出评论

47.a n increase of 40 percent 一个百分之四十的增加幅度

48.a decrease of 42 percent 一个百分之四十二的减少幅度

49.d rop to the lowest point 跌到最低点

50.f all to the lowest level 跌到最低水平

51.b uild an ad campaign 策划一次广告活动

52.a public welfare campaign 公益广告活动


1.be delighted at sth. /to do sth. 高兴做某事

2.take delight in sth./doing sth.

3.to be brief = in brief 简言之

pete in (a game) 在一个比赛中竞争

pete with/against 与…竞争

6.take part in 参加

7.separate A from B 分离,分开

8.lighted candles 点燃的蜡烛

9.graduation ceremony 毕业典礼

10.b reak the record 打破记录

11.b e absent from 缺席,没参加,不在场

12.i n honor of 纪念…,向…表示敬意

13.s ide by side / shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地,齐心协力地

14.h and in hand 手拉手,联合

15.m ake contributions to 对…做出贡献

16.m ake an attempt to do sth./at doing sth. 试图/尝试做某事

17.p lenty of 大量,许多

18.p lay/act a leading role/part in 在…中发挥主导作用

19.k eep… under control 使…处于控制之下

20.m ake way for 给…让路,让位于

21.t he history and significance of the Games 奥运会的历史和意义

22.c ompete for medals 角逐奖牌

23.p lay a joke/trick on sb. 开某人的玩笑/恶作剧

24.l ight the Olympic flame at the opening ceremony 在开幕式上点燃奥运火炬

25.m ake room for 为…让地方

26.b e involved in the Olympic Games 参与奥运会

27.t he first to win the gold medal 第一个获得金牌的人

28.u nder the name of 以…的名义

29.t he men’s 110-metre hurdles 男子110米栏比赛

30.j oin sb in doing sth. 加入某人做某事

31.h ost the Olympics 主办奥运会

32.t ourist attractions 旅游景点

33.s ports facilities 运动设施

34.b e of use = useful 有用的
