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1) 前一个单词以辅音音素接尾,后一个单词以元音音素开头,并且两个词处于同一个意群或者说话者语速较快时,两词发生连读。

as it is →[e si tiz ] Half an hour.

My pen`s out of ink again. →[mai pə:n zau təvinkəgein] not at all →[nɔtæ tɔ:l]

once in a week →[wʌn sinəwi:k]

rush hour→[rʌ`ʃauə]连读后,发音极接近单词shower。

travel agent travel agency→[træv leidʒənt],[træv leidʒənsi]

I’m an English boy.

It is an old book.

Let me have a look at it.

Ms Black worked in an office last~yesterday.

I called you half an hour ago.

Put it on, please.

Not at all.

Please pick it up.

2) 击穿轻辅音[h]的连读,如果前一个单词以辅音音素结尾,后一个单词的读音以轻辅音音素[h]开头,语速较快时,直接与[h]后面的元音音素发生连读。

isn't he 在听力中听到的往往是[izn ti]。

the rent here→[ðəren tiə]

Don’t have→[dəun tæv]

for him →[fərim],[fərəm],[frəm]

sell her books →[se ləbuks]

I lent him a book.→[ai lən ti məbuk]

I must have left my keys at my sister's house. [ai məs tæv lef(t) mai ki:zə(t) mai sistəzaus]

She learned to use the computer on her own. [ʃi: lə:rn (d) təju:(z) ðəkəmpju:təənərəun]

What wil(l he) do? [wili]

Ha(s he) done it before? [zi]

Mus(t he) go? [ti]

Should he….? [di]

Tell him to ask her…. [li]

Lea(ve him). [vim]




do any =[dwe ni]

Just do it. [dʒʌs(t) dwit]

see us [si jʌs]

hurry up被读作[hʌri jʌp]

Go (w) away.

I (j) am Chinese.

He (j) is very friendly to me.

She wants to study (j) English.

How (w) and why did you come here?

She can’t carry (j) it.

It’ll take you three (j) hours to walk there.

The question is too (j) easy for him to answer.


Part one. [pa: twʌn]

You must remain in bed for two days.

[ju: mʌs tri`mei nin be(d) fɔ: tu: deiz]

David read the letter again and again.

[`deivi dre(d) ðə`letəə`gei næn də`gen]



There is an old man under the tree.

[ ðɛəri zənəul(d) mæn `ʌndəðətri:]

I lent her a pen. [ai len tərəpen]

You should buy a bicycle for him.

[ju ʃud bai ə`baisikl fɔrim]

They’re my father and mother.

I looked for it here and there.

There is a football under it.

There are some books on the desk.

Here is a letter for you.

Here are four eggs.

But where is my cup?

Where are your brother and sister?



ring him [riŋgim]


[t] [j]==[tʃ] [d] [j]==[dʒ] [s] [j]===[ʃ] [z] [j]==[ʒ],
