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(1) —Could I use your dictionary?

— Yes, you _________.

A. need

B. could

C. can

D. should

解析:选C。此题容易误选B. 此题中could并不是表示过去,而是委婉的征求意见,其肯定回答是Yes, you can。

(2) In the past few years there _________ great changes in my hometown.

A. have been

B. were

C. had been

D. are

解析:选A. 此题容易误选B. 一般情况下in the past few years用于现在完成时,in the past用于一般过去时。

(3) —Could you tell me when Mr. Li ________ in Huanggang

—Sure. When he ________, I’ll call you.

A. arrives; will arrive

B. will arrive; arrives

C. arrives; arrives

D.will arrive; will arrive

解析:选B. 第一句是宾语从句根据语境用一般将来时,第二句是时间状语从句,由于主句是一般将来时,那么从句要用一般现在时来代替

(4) —Mary dances best in our school.

—I agree. I’ll never forget ___ her dance for the first time.


B.to see



解析:选C。此题容易误选B. 如果学生想正确选出答案,必须知道forget to do sth(忘记做某事);forget doing sth(忘记做过某事)。根据语境选择C。

(5) —Is tea ready? —No, mother is _______ it ready now.

A. doing

B. cooking

C. burning

D. getting

解析:选择D. 此题稍难,ready是形容词,get sth +adj是准备好某事。A, B, C, 动词后面只能接副词。

(6) There are many people downstairs. What do you think ________?

A.to happen

B. happening

C. is happened

D. has happened

解析:选择D. 此题我们首先排除C. 因为动词happen是不及物动词,没有被动语态。B答案少了助动词is, A动词不定式表示将来,根据语境应该用现在完成时或现在进行时。

(7) Remember to spend some time____ your loved ones,because they are not going to be around forever.

A. from

B. with

C. in

D. on

解析:选B. 此题95%的学生容易选错。主要是受spend…on…思维定势的影响。其实句意是:记住与你喜欢的人度过一段时间,因为他们不会永远与你在一起。

(8) —I hear Sam has gone to Qingdao for his holiday. —Oh, how nice! Do you know when he _______?

A. left

B. was leaving

C. has left

D. had left

解析:选A. 前面说萨姆已经去青岛度假了,说明已经离开。而when一般情况下不能与现在完成时连用,故选A。

(9) —David, look at the man in white over there. Can you tell me _______ ? —He is a doctor.

A.who is he

B.who he is

C. what does he do

D. what he does

解析:选择D. 此题可以用排除法,宾语从句用陈述句语序,容易排除A, C. 根据答语He is a doctor知道应该是问职业,who 是用来询问身份的。

(10) —I want to teach inTibet when I graduate from the college. —Me

too.Teachers ___very much there.

A. need

B. are needing

C. are needed

D. is needed

解析:选C。老师在那儿是被需要,排除A, B. 主语Teachers是复数,排除D. 故选择C。

(11) —Tommy, do you know if Frank ___ to the theatre with us this Sunday if it ____? —Sorry, I have no idea.

A. will go, is going to be fine

B. goes, is fine

C. will go, is fine

D. goes, will be fine

解析:选C. 第一个if引导的是宾语从句,根据语境用一般将来时,第二if 引导状语从句,根据主将从现原则,前面主句是一般将来时,那么从句要用一般现在时。

(12) I don’t have to introduce him to you ____ you know the boy.

A. until

B. unless

C. since

D. but

解析:选C. 连词的区别。根据语境:既然你认识这位男孩,我就没有必要向你介绍他了。注意,since除了有“自从”之意外,还有“因为,既然”之意。

(13) — Would you please ____ the paper for me and see if there are any obvious (明显的) mistakes? — Of course I will.

A. look around

B. look through

C. look up

D. look into

解析:选B. 动词短语辨析。look around环顾;look through浏览;look up查找;look into调查。根据语句意:请你帮我浏览一下试卷看看有没有明显错误可以吗?

(14) —This pair of shoes _______ really small for me. —Why not try another


A. is, pair

B. are, pair

C. is, one

D. are, one

解析:选A。This pair of shoes/pants做主语,谓语动词的数取决于pair的单复数,如果pair是单数谓语动词就用单数,反之用复数,这样我们就排除B, D. 又因为shoes是复数,不能直接用one代替,故选择A。
