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①How beautiful she sin gs! I've n ever heard a better voice.

= She has the best voice I've ever heard.


②I have n ever read a more in terest ing no vel.

= It is the most interesting novel I've ever read.


2、比较级+ than + the other + 复数名词

/ the rest of + 复数名词

/ + any of the other + 复数名词

/ + any other + 单数名词


其他的更.... )”。

/ + any + 单数名词

(比较双方不属于同一类别或同一范围内。即表示“不同范围内的一者比其他任何一者都更..... )”。

①She goes to school earlier tha n the other girls.


②He works harder tha n any other stude nt.


③China is larger tha n any of the other coun tries in Asia.


Shanghai is larger than any city in Africa 。

3、比较级+ than + anything/ anyone else

①George did more work tha n anyone else.


②Tom cared more for money tha n for any thi ng else


4、在比较句型中使用"no", "nobody", "nothing"


①I like no thi ng better tha n swim ming.


②Nobody can do the work better tha n he did.


③No other buildi ng is as grand as the new hotel.


5. 在使用这一结构时须要注意:使用这一结构来表达同一范畴中最高级含义时,切记不可出现自身比较错误。




①China is larger than all the countries in Asia. (沟

②China is larger than any country in Asia. (沟


① China is larger than any other country in Asia.

② China is larger than any of the other countries in Asia.

③China is larger than the others in Asia.

④China is larger than any of the others in Asia.


1. --- You couldn 't have chosen any gift better for me. --- I 'm glad you

like it so much.

译文:--- “你给我选择的礼物是最好的。”

--- “我非常高兴你如此喜欢它。”

2. --- Yao Ming has begun his new season in NBA.

--- Yes, he couldn 't have wished for a better start to the new NB A year.

He scored 19 points in 20 minutes in the opening game.

译文:--- “姚明已经开始了他NBA 的新赛季。”

--- “是的,新的NBA 之年,他已经有了最好的开端。开局20 分钟就进

了19 个球。

3. --- Do you think our basketball players played very well yester day?

--- They couldn 't have done better.


--- “他们打得棒极了。”

4. --- How beautiful she sings!

--- I have never heard a better voice. 译文:---“她的歌唱的多么动听呀!

--- “我从来都没听过这么好的歌。”

5. We have never had a better day.(=This is the best day that we' ve had.)

译文:“这是我们最好的日子。” 请练习翻译下列句子:

1. --- How do you find the soup in my restaurant?

--- I have never had such delicious soup before.

2. --- Bob, you can't smoke any more. It will damage your health.

--- I know, I will stop smoking. Believe me.

3. --- Susan has a very low opinion of Tom.

--- It can't be any worse than his of her.

4. Look,how depressed he is! He's never got

a worse result in his


5. --- If our captain would listen more, he would understand us be tter.

--- I cannot agree more. He just expects us to listen.

6. --- The weather isn 'g t ood enough for an outing, is it?

--- No, not in the least. We could not have a worse day at this tim e of year.

7. There is no experience you can have that is more exciting tha n skating on real ice.


1. --- “你觉得我们餐馆的这道汤怎么样?”


2. --- “鲍勃,你抽烟太多了。它对你身体有害。


3. ---苏萨对汤姆的评价不高。”


4. 瞧,他是多么的沮丧呀!这是他有生以来最倒霉的事。

5. ---希望我们的船长能多听听我们的想法,那么他就会更了解我们。
