高三复习 词汇知识点 book5 unit2解析

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1.He__r_o_u_g_h__ly_ (rough) examined the old
records. 副词修饰动词, roughly“粗略地”。
2. They spent an_e_n_j_o_y_a_b_l_e_ (enjoy)
3. There is always a p__o_s_si_b_i_l_it_y_ (possible)
5. 形容词作表语, delighted“高兴的”。
1. _co_n__si_s_t _o_f______ 由……组成 2. _d_iv_i_d_e_._.._in_t_o____ 把……分成 3. _b_r_ea_k__a_w_a_y__(_fr_o_m__) 挣脱(束缚); 脱离 4. _to__o_n_e_’s__c_re_d_i_t__ 为……带来荣誉; 值得赞扬
5. _m__a_k_e__a__li_s_t__ 列出单子 6. _l_ea__v_e_o_u__t ____省去; 遗漏; 不考虑 7. _b_r_e_a_k__d_o_w__n__ (机器)损坏; 破坏 8. _ta__k_e_t_h_e__p_l_a_c_e_o_f____代替
9. __b_e_p_u__zz_l_e_d_a_b__ou__t _ 对……感到困惑 10. _f_o_r_c_o_n_v_e_n_ie_n_c_e____ 为了方便起见 11. _o_n__sp__ec_i_a_l_o_c_c_a_si_o_n_s___ 在特殊场合 12. _c_o_m__m_e_n_t_o_n____ 评论……
Ireland broke away, 5_s_o only Northern
Ireland joined with England.
England is the 6_l_a_r_g_e_st_ (large) of
the four countries and for convenience 7_it_ was divided into three zones: the South of England,the Midlands and
二、单词拓展 (A)单词派生
1. _u_n__it_e__ vt.& vi. 联合;团结 _u_n__io_n__ n. 联合;团结
2. _c_o_n_v_e_n__ie_n_c_e____ n. 便利;方便 _c_o_n__v_e_n_i_e_n_t____ adj. 方便的
3. _p_o_s_s_i_b_le_____ adj. 可能的 _p_o_s_s_ib__il_i_ty___ n. 可能(性)
4. _e_n_j_o_y_______ v.喜欢; 享受 _e_n_j_o_y_a_b__le____ adj. 愉快的; 快乐的
5. _d_e_l_ig_h__t____ n. 快乐, 高兴 _d_e_l_ig_h__te_d___ adj.高兴的;快乐的
6. _r_o_u_g__h_____ adj.粗糙的;艰难的 _r_o_u__g_h_ly____ adv.大体上;粗略地
that he might go back to UK. 名词引导后面的同位语从句。
4. It is a great _co_n__v_en__ie_n_c_e (convenient) to live near the bus station.
4. 名词作表语。
5. She was so__d_e_li_g_h_te_d__ (delight) to know that she had passed the exam that she sang all day long.
四、课文回顾 Great Britain consists of four countries:
England, Wales, Scotland and Northern
Ireland. In the 13th century Wales was linked
1_t_o_ England. In 1603, they we源自文库e joined to
6. _u_n_i_f_o_r_m__ n. 制服 7. _t_h_r_il_l____ vt. 使激动; 使胆战心惊 8. _f_o_l_d_____ vt. 折叠; 对折 9. _a_c_c_o_m__p_l_i_s_h___ vt. 完成; 实现 10. _c_la_r_i_f_y___ vt. 澄清; 阐明
1. __p_ro_v_i_n_c_e_____ n. 省; 行政区 2. __co_n__fl_ic_t______ n. 矛盾;冲突 3. __in_s_t_it_u_t_io_n____ n. 制度;机制 4. __co_u__n_tr_y_s_i_d_e___ n. 乡下;农村 5. __w_e_d_d_i_n_g_____ n. 婚礼
11. _u_n__w_i_ll_i_n_g___ adj. 不愿意(的) 12. _n__a_ti_o_n_w__i_d_e__ adj. 全国性的 13. __r_o_u_g_h_l_y____ adv. 粗略地; 粗糙地 14. __q_u_a_r_r_e_l____ n.& vi. 争吵; 争论 15. __d_e_li_g_h_t_____ n. 快乐 vt. 使高兴
Scotland. They were united in peace instead
2_o_f_ by war. However, just 3_a_s__ they were going to get Ireland connected 4_t_o_f_o_r_m_
(form)United Kingdom, the southern part of
the North. Most of the population 8_a_r_e_s_e_tt_l_e_d (settle) in the South,but most of the industrial cities are located