新发展大学英语听力教程 1答案参考

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Unit One New Campus, New Life

Ⅰ. Pre-listening Activities

Choice 1

Choice 2

There are pros and cons of living on campus.

Pros Cons

1. Accessibility to the school 1. Little privacy

2. Increased social life 2. Limited space

3. Possible low GPA (grade point average)


There are pros and cons of living on campus.


1. Accessibility to the school. If you live on campus, you can easily walk to the classes, libraries, computer labs, cafeterias, etc. You don’t have to waste time and money on driv ing to school, finding a parking space, and so forth.

2. Increased social life. Living on campus will allow you to meet more people and establish more friendships than living off campus. You will also usually be aware of any campus activities and how to be involved in them.


1. Little privacy. When living in a dorm, it can be very hard to find privacy. You have to share bedrooms, bathrooms, etc. You may never have quiet time in your dorm because there will always be something going on.

2. Limited space. At most colleges, the dorm rooms are tiny. You have to limit what you bring to school, or your space will be too crowded.

3. Possible low GPA (grade point average). Because dorm life is very social, your grades may be affected in a negative way. If you constantly choose hanging out with your dorm buddies over studying at the library, then your GPA will suffer.

Ⅱ. Listening Tasks

Task 1 Understanding Short Conversations

1. C

2. D

3. B

4. A

5. A

6. C

7. D

8. C

9. A 10. B


1. W: What can I do for you, sir?

M: Well, I’d like to get this book renewed. You know, it’s so hopeful that I can’t finish my research paper without it.

Q: Where are the man and the woman?

2. W: How many students tried out for the basketball team this year?

M: About 40, but only half of them have real talent for the sport.

Q: How many students are good at basketball?

3. M: I wonder if I could borrow your bicycle.

W: You certainly could if I had one.

Q: What does the woman mean?

4. W: What do you think of his experiment?

M: He has done well considering he has no experience.

Q: Why does the man think he has done well?

5. M: Mary, why isn’t Joan teaching here this term?

W: She can’t. She is retired.

Q: What reason was given for Joan’s not teaching?

6. W: Mr. Hampton’s explanation was too complicated to understand.

M: He didn’t speak slowly enough for us to take notes, either.

Q: What does the man complain about?

7. W: I like science more than maths, but history is my favorite subject.

M: But I think computer programming is the best.

Q: Which subject does the woman like most?

8. W: Will you go to attend Prof. Green’s lectures next term? He’s a very learned scholar.

M: Well, I’d rather not. It’s said that his lectures are always boring and dull.

Q: What’s the man’s response to the woman’s remark?

9. W: Has your group decided on a research project yet?

M: No one’s come up with anything yet.

Q: What does the man say about the project?

10. W: Do you know if Nick has got enough money for his study?

M: Yes. If Nick hadn’t worked in the steel plant last summer, he wouldn’t have earned enough money for his living expenses during his senior year.

Q: What does the man mean about Nick?

Task 2 Understanding a Long Conversation

1. D

2. A

3. C

4. B

5. A


W: Would you like to join the V olunteers’ League?

M: Am I crazy? I just quitted the Students’ Counsel. I don’t want to be as busy as before. I’ve given up a big chance of getting scholarships for that.

W: No, joining the V olunteers’ League won’t take you much time. It only has activities on the weekends.

M: Really? That’s good. I was just wondering about how to spend my free time on weekends.

W: Come on, you won’t regret about joining the Volunteers’ League. It’s different from other student’s clubs or unions.

M: What’s the difference?

W: The V olunteers’ League often offers free services for grand occasions, such as Olympic Games, World Expo. Isn’t that special?

M: Not really. I’d rather join the Entrepreneurs’ Club, so my experience will be helpful when I
