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W ang Y ong is a native of Wuhan.1_____Chinese New Year’s Eve,Wang learned that a nurse at Jinyintan Hospital couldn’t find a taxi to drive her home.During the fight against the novel coronavirus in Wuhan,Jinyintan Hospital2_____an important role.Many taxi drivers didn’t want to risk3_____there.T o go,or no t to go,that was the question.Finally,W ang Y ong decided t o do his bit.W ang arrived at Jinyintan Hospital at6am the next day and4______the nurse.She didn’t ex pect that anyone would come.She5______.

On that day,W ang drove nearly30medical staff membe rs to and from Jinyintan Hospital.But that was only the6______.W ang began t o look for mo r e volunteers.And over20warm-hearted people s o on7______in and took turns taking the medical staff on a race against time.

But W ang and his team did no t stop there.They kept on8_____other problems,big or small,that the medical staff might face at work and in their daily lives.For example,they helped buy food and clothes and look for hairdressers.Why did W ang try so9_____t o help the medical staff?His answer was simple,“They are saving lives.Everyone is working har d to help Wuhan.As someone born in Wuhan,I just did10_____I could.”

()1.A.On B.In C.At D.With

()2.A.took B.played C,ran D.watched

()3.A.went B.go C.t o go D.going

()4.A.called up B.woke up C.made up D.picked up

()5.A.cried B.cries C.was crying D.would cry

()6.A.end B.st op C.beginning D.starting

()7.A.joined B.joined in C.took part in D.joined with

()8.A.to solve B.solving C.solved D.solve

()9.A.har d B.hardly C.harder D.hardest

()10.A.that B.what C.which D.who




c o me again clou

d usual fun

under enjoy walk happy and

T uesday,Feb.25th,2020 It is a beautiful day today.A few1____are in the blue sky,and the sun is shining on my desk.2_____such a sunny day makes me exc ited.But today I can’t go out 3_____the sunshine because of t he novel coronavirus.Now my dad is watching TV and my mom is cooking.My sister is playing computer games4_____I am writing

t o record this special sunny day.

I really miss the5_____time in the park.My family would go to the park on warm days like this.W e had lots of6_____near the lake in the park.My dad always fished there,my mom r ead7_____the trees,while my sister and I ran after each other ar ound the lake.At that time,many people8______in the park.They enjoyed themselves,just like us.

I hope we will win the fight against the novel coronavirus soon,and my family will go to that park9_____t o enjoy beautiful days like this.When the day10_____,I’ll write in my diary a bou t the beautiful day and our good time in the park.




3.to enjoy





8.were walking



Logan Guleff is a15-year-old teenager.He grew up watching chef(厨师)Gordon Ramsay's cooking shows.Logan says that made it possible for him t o win MasterChef Junior in2014.Not only did he win$100,000,bu t he also got to meet Ramsay.The chef has become Logan's ment or(导师).

Now Logan is mentoring others.The t eenager from T ennessee,US also shares kitchen basics with kids in his cookbook,Logan's Chef No tes&Half Baked T ales—Cooking Dreams.
