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1. He’s the boy ______ won the who photo competition last year. 2. The photo which ______ we like best in the City and People group was taken by Zhao Min. 3. A group of photos _______ which show Beijing and Cambridge in England has won the prize. who 4. The one _______ took photos at the school dance?
由此,我们可以看出: 如果先行词是人,那么定语从句的引 导词就可以是who。 注意:当who在从句中作宾语时,在 现代语法规则简化为大多数情况下都 可用who了。 例如: Do you know Mr Zhang who(m) they like very much?
不管定语从句修饰的是人还是物,如果 引导词在从句中作宾语,通常就可以省 略。例如: Is that the car (that/which) you bought last month? 作宾语 那是你上个月买的车吗? A friend is a person (who/whom) you know very well and like. 作宾语 朋友是你十分了解并且喜欢的人。
5. The man ____ C around our school is from America. A. which you showed B. you showed him C. you showed D. where you showed 6. Have you read the book ____ A I lent to you? A. which B. whom C. when D. whose
2. 先行词被all, little, much, every, no 等修饰时。 I’ve read all the books that are not mine. 3. 先行词被序数词或最高级修饰时。 This is the first book that he has read.
4. 先行词被the only, the very, the same,the last修饰时。 This is the very book that belongs to him. 5. 先行词为人和物的组合。 They talked for an hour of things and persons that they remembered in the school.
Let’s enjoy the beautiful photos.
羊毛打赌;下赌注 v. (bet, bet)
的确;当然;一定 答案是;问题是
Unit 1
He’s the boy who won the photo competition last year!
---The film is very funny. 这部电影很有趣 ---Which film ? 哪一部? ---The film which is about Tom Sawyer is very funny. 这部关于汤姆历险记的电影很有趣
7. -- Is the girl ___ is interviewing the manager of that company your friend? -- Yes, she is a journalist from CCTV. (06 天津) A. who B. that C. whom D. what
8.The first thing _____ B my brother is going to do this afternoon is to write a letter. A. which B. that C. why D. who B 9.I like the music _____you played just now. A. what B. which C. when D. who
1. She is a student who/that studies hard. 2. He is a boy who/that likes playing basketball. 3. She is a teacher who/that I like.
由此,我们可以看出: which引导的定语从句修饰的是无生
下面我们再看一个句子: 先行词是人 引导词在从句中作主语
He’s the boy who won the photo competition last year! Attributive clause
A group of photos which show Beijing and Cambridge in England has won the prize. Attributive clause
The photo which we liked best in the City and People group was taken by Zhao Min. Attributive clause
注意:在定语从句中作宾语的引导词在口语中 往往被省略,但在正式文体中常常被保留。
在先行词是物的定语从句中,一般情 况下that和which都可以通用, 但在下 列情况下, 一般用that而不用which。 1.先行词为all, everything, nothing, something, anything, little, much 等不定代词时。 I am sure she has something that you can borrow.
---I like the girl. 我喜欢那个女孩。 ---Which girl ? 哪个女孩? ---I like the girl who is reading book. 我喜欢那个正在看书的女孩子。
---I like the bike. 我喜欢那辆车。 ---Which bike? 哪辆? ---I like the bike which is blue. 我喜欢那辆蓝色的车。
4.This is a school which/that we will visit.
看下面的几个例句: It successfully shows the rich culture which makes Beijing so famous. 它成功地展示了北京闻名遐迩的悠 久文化。 The photo which we liked best was taken by Zhao Min. 我们最喜欢的照片是赵敏拍的。
5. Yao Ming is a famous basketball star___ is playing in the NBA. (06吉林) A. whose B. who C. what D. which 6. He likes music___ he could dance to. (06 福建) A. who B. which C. whom D. what
6. 若主句中有疑问代词who或者which,
为了避免重复, 关系代词不要再用who, which,而用that。
Which of the books that you
borrowed from the library is the most interesting?
1. The man ____ A visited our school yesterday is from London. A. who B. which C. whom D. when B is talking to my mother is a 2. The woman ____ friend of hers. A. whose B. who C. whom D. which A want to read. 3. There are two novels___I A. that B. which C. all D. who 4. Where is the man ____ D I met this morning? A. when B. where C. which D. /
---I like the book. 我喜欢这本书。 ---Which book ? 哪一本? ---I like the book which is called Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. 我喜欢这本叫做爱丽丝梦游仙境的书。
---I like the man. 我喜欢这个男子。 ---Which man? 哪一个人? ---I like the man who is similing. 我喜欢这个正在微笑的男子。
5. The person _______ who won the prize for the subject Nature is fifteen-year-old Li Wei. who is wearing a 6. It is a beautiful girl _______ blouse and skirt, and _______ is protecting who her books against the showers. 7. He Zhong manages to show how this great new band moves and sounds, and the good which their fans are having. time _______ 8. …and thanks to everyone _______ entered who the competition.
--- The woman is my teacher. 那个女人是我的老师。 --- Which woman ? 哪个女人? --- The woman who is wearing glasses is my teacher. 戴眼镜的女人那个是我的老师。
B you 1.Tony, tell me the result of the discussion_____ had with your dad yesterday. A. what B. which C. when D. who 2.The teachers_____came for a visit are foreigners. A A. who B. whom C. whose D. which 3.Jane is one of the students in the class___have A ever been to China. A. who B. whose C. which D. whom 4.Do you know the man _______? A A. whom I spoke B. to who spoke C. I spoke to D. that I spoke
若引导词在从句中作主语时就不能省略, 否则会造成结构混乱。
作主语 I’d love to have parents who understands me. 我希望父母理解我。 作主语 He can make lessons that are usually boring interesting. 他通常能把枯燥乏味的课讲得生动有趣。