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Polychromic Versus Monochromic。


姓名: 马静


班级: 092班

学号: 095237226 座位号: 指导教师:张洁老师职称:

2011 年12月 11 日





Polychromic Versus Monochromic

Name: Ma Jing

Abstract:Culture also dictates how individuals within a society process information, set priorities, manage time and interact with other individuals. When you compare Americans to people from Asian cultures, it is the Americans who like to do things one at a time .Compare that attitude with a Chinese executive who can talk on the telephone, write a memo to a colleague and continue to listen to a visiting businessperson all at the same time without appearing to miss a beat .The Chinese are considered highly polychromic that is ,they can—and refer to –do multiple tasks simultaneously.

Key words:Monochromic polychromic low-context high-context

Polychromic Versus Monochromic


(1)Culture also dictates how individuals within a society process information, set priorities, manage time and interact with other individuals. Americans, for example, will refer to someone who is less than bright as an individual who “cannot walk and chew gum at the same time”—implying that someone who is unable to handle two tasks at once is deficient, Oddly enough, when you compare Americans to people from Asian cultures, it is the Americans who like to do things one at a time .Compare that attitude with a Chinese executive who can talk on the telephone, write a memo to a colleague and continue to listen to a visiting businessperson all at the same time without appearing to miss a beat .The Chinese are considered highly polychromic that is ,they can—and refer to –do multiple tasks simultaneously.

(2)To an individual from a monochromic society ,time is used for ordering one’s life ,for setting priorities ,for making a step-by-step list for dong things in sequence ,for dealing with one individual at a time .Americans—and most Western societies—are monochromic They believe in linear time that ,because it is limited ,must be used efficiently. They plan their work and work their plan.

(3)Most polychromic societies believe that time is circular and therefore eternal. What does not get done in this life will be taken up in the next .Time is used to attempt to accomplish whatever presents itself in whatever order it appears. Efficiency is not as important as the process.

(4)A diplomat from Norway recalls how during a visit to Thailand he became offended by what he thought was a rude brush-off by a government official during an informal lunch at a rather posh restaurant.

(5)“My counterpart’s cell phone rang at least a half dozen times during the lunch and he engaged in several extended conversations. On one occasion, a man who introduced himself as the o fficial’s accountant came over to our table to discuss an outside business matter. It turns out he had been invited to drop by. Finally another business colleague of the official joined us for coffee. The invitation had been issued earlier in the day .I was offended .I really didn’t think heard a word I said during the lunch,”the diplomat says.

(6)“It was only after several more trips to Thailand that I learned this is how the Thailand handle their business affairs. I have to admit that in the end it seemed a pleasantly social, if rather chaotic, way to do business .But what amazed me the most was that after first lunch, despite all the distractions, this man was able to restate my presentation almost verbatim. I was impressed. ”

(7)People from different cultures process and disseminate information differently. Low-context cultures are much more precise in their communication, providing mountains of detail ,groping for the correct word or phrase to summarize an event .They assume a relatively low level of shared knowledge with the individual they are communicating with and thus feel a strong need to explain all in great detail .Low-context cultures ,such as the United States ,Britain and the Scandinavian countries focus more on what is being said ,rather than on who is saying it .Body language, hand and facial gestures are secondary ,if not entirely ignored, to the message itself. Business can be conducted successfully by letter, telephone, fax or email in such cultures .It is not necessary to meet face-to-face with a colleague to get things done.
