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英文推荐信模板( 共10篇)

英文推荐信模板( 共10篇)


Dear SirMadam:

As a teaher at xxxx shool, I am riting to provide ou a remendation for MissMr.xx so as to help ou assess herhis appliation for aeptane into our program and onsideration for finanial aid.

Considered a promising student ith originalit and sophistiation in herhis thinking, . From analzing user s requirements to designing the hole sstem, from the detailed designing to the final programming, she as ver level-headed and full of innovation ever step of the a. Taking full advantage of her abilit and reativit, she firml foused herself on her objetive and gnored all distrations. She suessfull reahed her goal. In the final softare testing, onl a fe bugs ere found in her subsstem. M appreiation of her talelent as thus onfirmed.Miss is a ver personable oman, friendl and helpful, and she has alas been a team plaer in her ork.

I ould greatl appreiate it if ou ould give her appliation for andida to our Ph.D. program favorable onsideration. Should

ou need an further information in our deliberation, please do not hesitate to ontat me.

Sinerel xxxx


Dear Sir:

It is m pleasure to remend Mr. Fuping Wang for his appliation to graduate studies in our shool. Mr. Wang has been m researh assistant of the National Siene Counil s projet- The United States and the United Nations Finanial Crisis: The Role of U.S. Congress sine September9

His major responsibilities inlude information olleting, analzing and translating. He is an enthusiasti and progressive oung man ith extremel high potentialit. Mr. Wang is not onl quik at learning and good at solving diffiult problems, but also ith a logial mind that enables him to effetivel analze diffiulties. All the ork handed to him as pleted satisfatoril. Atuall, he is so reliable that I assign him ith heav responsibilities.

With his help, I have been able to spend more time in riting the researh paper. I reall onsider mself ver fortunate to have suh a apable assistant. I am ertain his diligene, oupled ith a good petene and pleasant personalit, ill assure him of XXdemi ahievements in his future XXdemi pursuits. I strongl remend his

admission ithout an reservation.

Sinerel oursxxx


November **, ****

To Whom It Ma Conern:

This is to onfirm that Mr. Li Dashui has orked as a full-time sstem analst in the NY Universit sine Jun9. Mr. Li s main duties and responsibilities are as follos:

Design, develop and install various puter hardare, softare and netork sstems for banks.

Determine and analze the requirements of eah sstem projet into related ponets solved through the appliation of puter tehnolog.

Write speifiations for puter programs, and test and implement programs for netork sstems and ontrol sstems.

Supervise puter programmers and other sstem analsts for patiular sstem projets.

Mr. Li has mainl taken part in the folloing projets:

The first engineering design of it general business puter netork sstem.

Upgrading bank s sstem for IBM AS400 E45 to IBM AS400 320, IBM AS400 530.
