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1 ---- Zhao Rui, it' s said that many famous singers will come to Yangzhou on Apr订18th、 How about watching the evening show there?- _______ ! Let" s ask Huang Tao to go with us、

A、 Best wishes

B、 Sounds great

C、 Good luck

D、 That' s 0K()

2、- How about raising money for the people in Yushu, Q i n gha i ?- __ 、

A、 Good idea

B、 Enjoy yourself

C、 Never mind

D、 You" re welcome( )3 ________

A、 Don" t worry!

B、 Never mind!

C、 Not at all>

D、 Good idea! ( )4- It' s sunny today> How about going skiing in Ying Yue Park?- ______ ! Let' s ask the twins to go with us、

A、 Sounds great

B> Best wishes

C、 Good luck

D、 That, s OK、


A、 I practice every day

B x Thank you very much

C、 No, I don' t think so

D、 Well, it' s not good enough()

2、_______ 、

A、 Yes, you can give a skirt to me

B、 Id like a skirt

C、 No, I can do it myself

D、 I can do what I want()

3、-Oh! What' s the matter?T' m really _____ all the time、 I have no energy>

A、 busy

B> happy

C、 tired

D、 excited()

4、- If you have any trouble, be sure to call me、 -

A、 I am sorry to hear that

B、 I will. Thank you very much

C、 I have no trouble

D、 I will think it over ()

5、-Thanks for vour help、- 、

A、 No, thanks

B、 Let me see

C、 It doesn T t matter

D、 That, s 0K()

6、- Hi ! Haven' t seen you for ages! You look fine、

、 You look well, too、

A、 Great

B、 Thanks

C、 Oh, no

D、 Not at all()

7、- The party is a great success、 We" ve had a good time、- 、

A、 It doest matter

B、 No, thanks

C、 It' s not very good

D、 I'm glad to hear that 六、意见,看法()

1、-- What do you think of Lucy,s birthday party?[来- _______ 、 I hope I can have such a party too、

A、 Just so so

B、 Boring

C、 Terrible

D、 Wonderful()

2、-- I prefer to eat cakes that have cream on top、一_____ ! They are delicious、

A、 Good luck

B、 Me, too

C、 I hope so

D、 You' re kidding()

3、 Oh! ________ ! It,s not at all good for our


A、Y es, it isn" t

B、N o, it is

C、Y es, it is

D、N o; it isn, t3()

4、一China beat Australial:O at thel7th Women' s

Football Asian Cup last night、 -Really?

A That" s a pity、

B Don" t mention it、

C I' m glad to hear that、

D You" re welcome. ()

5、--I lost my MP4 on my way home this afternoon、

(词语用法) ___________ ! You must be careful next time、

A、T ake care

B、L ook out

C、P ay attention to

D、W hat a pity()

6、- Dad, its such a long way from our home to the

park!- You mean its ______ to take a taxi?

A 、popular

B 、necessary

C 、possible

D 、Important()



No problem

B 、What a pity

C 、Not at all ()

8、- Are you confident about this evening" s

per forma nee, Kati e? - ____ 、I’ in well prepared and feel I’ ve got everything ready
