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求职信Cover Letter 十大样板




Dear Ms. Peter:

Si ncerely,

I am in terested in explori ng career opport un ities in ____________ with

______________ (compa ny), and have therefore en closed my resume for your referenee. Should you be in the market for a results-oriented professional for your firm, I would en courage you to con sider my crede ntials.

As my resume in dicates, I have ______________years experie nee in

______________ . My day-to-day output reflects a high level of motivatio n, efficie ncy, and ability to meet any objective. I have a prove n ability to troubleshoot, perform un der a minimum amount of supervisi on, and dem on strate a high degree of in itiative and good judgme nt.

I am interested in interviewing with you or one of your associates. I can be reached at t o arrange for an in terview at a convenient time.

Drew Sterl ing

En closure




Dear Ms. Taylor:

Si ncerely,

If your firm is seek ing a professi onal who has dem on strated sound bus in ess judgeme nt, decisive ness, well-developed pla nning, an alytical, and

com muni catio n skills, and a con siste ntly high level of performa nce in a variety of progressively resp on sible and challe nging assig nmen ts, please see my en closed resume.

I am accustomed to a fast-paced environment where deadlines are a priority and han dli ng multiple jobs simulta neously is a requireme nt. I enjoy a challe nge and work hard to attain my goals. Constant communication with all levels of man ageme nt has stre ngthe ned my in terpers onal skills.

I will con tact you n ext week to inquire about the possibility of an in terview. I n the mean time, please do not hesitate to con tact me at __________________ .

Drew Sterl ing

En closure




Dear Mr. Cha ng:

I rece ntly read with much in terest about your s pla ns for expa nsion.

Since the ______________ industry has been an integral part of my past work experience, I was very enthusiastic to learn of your new developments.

As you will note on the enclosed resume, the breadth of my expertise covers a wide area of responsibilities. I am a hard working, ambitious leader and motivator of people, recognized for flexibility, adaptability, and for a high degree of expertise in the field.

I feel confident that an interview with you would affirm that I would be an excellent team member and an asset to __

(company). When could we meet?


Drew Sterling





Mr. Wilcox:

Please accept the enclosed resume as an expression of interest in exploring employment opportunities with your organization in the ______________ department.

I am a candidate worthy of consideration. I am well respected in my profession as an upstanding, hard-working individual who can be counted on to "get the job done." Though my resume is detailed and comprehensive, it cannot fully demonstrate the manner in which I have achieved success. Character, personality, and the ability to work in a team environment can be evidenced in a personal meeting. I would welcome an interviewing opportunity at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your time and consideration. I am certain that I can be a contributing member of your company. Sincerely,

Drew Sterling





Dear Ms. Peter:


I am interested in exploring career opportunities in ______________ with

______________ (company), and have therefore enclosed my resume for your reference. Should you be in the market for a results-oriented professional for your firm, I would encourage you to consider my credentials.

As my resume indicates, I have ______________ years experience in

______________ . My day-to-day output reflects a high level of motivation, efficiency, and ability to meet any objective. I have a proven ability to troubleshoot, perform under a minimum amount of supervision, and demonstrate a high degree of initiative and good judgment.

I am interested in interviewing with you or one of your associates. I can be reached at

to arrange for an interview at a convenient time.
