新概念英语(青少版)1B 期末试卷

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新概念英语(青少版)1B 期末试卷










1. What’s the matter with


( ) A It’s Wednes day..

2. How many CDs has your brother

got?( ) B She’s got a very expensive one.

3.Where is William’s car?( ) C Yes,I like it very much.

4.What kind of camera has she


( ) D No,not many.

5. Do you like my new bicycle?( ) E It’s half past ele ven.

6. Have you got many friends?( ) F It’s in the street.

7. What time is it?( )G He’s got lots.

8. What day is it?( )H He’s got flu..

9. Can I help you?( )I She needs one bag.

10.How much does she need?( )J Yes,I need a bag of sugar,




1. Pass me…( ) A …on the river.

2. Can you bring us…( ) B …late for school?

3. There are some new boats…( ) C …at half past twelve.

4. He can play football…( ) D …at the art college.

5. How much salad…( ) E …are very strong.

6. Are your children…( ) F …some bread, please?

7. Those men over there…( )G …in the red coat?

8. She’s a student…( )H …very well.

9. Who is that woman…( )I …do you want?

10. .Lunch is…( )J …the binoculars please.


1 A: DVDs have you got? B: Not many.

a) How many b) How much c) How long

2 A: Has Bill got any pencils? B: Yes,he has. And he’s got pens, too.

a)a lot b) lot of c) a lot of

3 A: Have you got lots of time? B: Yes, I have.

a) empty b) spare c) enough

4 A: is that boy in the garden? B: It’s Mick.

a) What b) How c) Who

5 A: is Helen? B: She is in the classroom.

a) Which b) Who c) Where

6 A: kind of mobile does he want? B: He wants Korean one.

a) What b)How c)Which

7 A: a Japanese camera? B:Yes, he has.

a)Do he get b)Have he got c)Has he got

8 What’s the menu?

a) for b) on c) at d) to

9 A: When can he come here? B: She can come here any time.

a)at b)in c)by

10 You can see the food, and you help .

a) - b) you c) yourself d) your

11 A: Jack, meat? B:Yes, I really love meat.

a)are you like b)you like c)do you like

12 A: What have we got, Mary? B:Oh, We’ve got vegetables.

a)some b)any c)another

13 Pass me a of soup, please.

a) packet b) glass c) basket d) bowl

14 A: I’ve got a nice piece of salmon dinner tonight.B:Great! It’s

my favourite kind of food!

a)at b)with c)for

15 A: Give me of those, please.

a) one b) a c) an d)-

16 A: tea do we need? B: Two packets.

a)How long b)What much c)How much

17 A: Is there any sugar in the bottle? B:Yes, there is some, but not .

a)lot b)much c)any

18 A: of things do we need? B:Well, chocolate and cheese.

a)What kind b)How c)Which kind

19 Can you us some coffee, please?

a) do b) take c) go d) bring

20 A: else? B: Yes. Ineed two bars of soap,too.

a)Anything b)Something c)Everthing

21 I’m fine, but I this weather!

a) don’t b) hate c) not d) love

22 Is it dry and sunny for two days together?

a) but b) and c) today d) ever
