2019-2020学年九年级英语上册 阅读理解专项训练(24) 外研版

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Have you ever heard of the Slow Food movement? I heard about it a year ago ___1___I did not really pay much attention to it. I just thought that it would be a good thing to share the __2__ with you.

The Slow Food movement began in Italy in 1989. A group of people were ___3__ about the state of the world’s food. They discov ered that local food and local food traditions were beginning to disappear __4___ many people around the world liked the Western idea of “fast food”.

The people of Slow Food believe that food should taste good. Food should be produced in a __5__ way. The food we eat should not hurt the environment, animals, or the health of people. That is why __6__ say that chemicals(化学制品) and food should not mix. Chemicals can har m the environment, animals, and people. And __7__, Slow Food believes that food producers should receive fair(公平的)pay for their work.

So, __8__ do you eat? Where does your food come from? Are there harmful chemicals in your food? Is the person who grew your food being __9__ fairly? These are questions that Slow Food would like you to ask!

I do not think that it is __10__ for me to eat organic food(有机食品) only. But I do respect the people behind this movement.

What about you? What do you think of Slow Food?

二、阅读理解阅读材料,完成问题 Passage A.

On a cool morning, Mary, Cindy, Mum and I set out on a journey. We walked forward to the woods along a narrow farming road.

After walking for an hour and a half, we came to a lonely field. We climbed onto an ancient stone, about three feet high, and ate our cheese sandwiches.

As we ate contentedly, Mary said, “We have two choices. We can either go back the way we came or follow the map and go through the moors(荒野).” All of us were full and refreshed now, so we opted for the moors.

We packed out things up and set out again. We saw a hill. Slowly we climbed upwards. At last, we reached the top. We rested there for about fifteen minutes. Suddenly we noticed how low the sun was sinking. Then the wind began to blow strongly…

We were worried about what would happen when the sun was completely out of view. We began to run down the hill quickly. All of us felt safe until we saw the road. We began walking once again towards the place called Devon.

At about half past six in the afternoon, we found a small restaurant. As all hungry people would do, we went into the restaurant. The five hours of walking made the food so delicious. Now, as I glanced once more around the table, I saw everybody looked happy.

( )1. It took them ____ to walk to a lonely field.

A. half an hour

B. an hour

C. one and a half hours

D. two hours.
