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New words for L6:
1) smash v. 粉碎,击溃,碰撞 Eg. (1) He got drunk and began to smash things. (2)The car smashed into a wall. crash.v.n.碰撞,坠毁 Eg. (1)The bus crashed into a tree. (2)The computer crashed (stopped working) 电脑死机了 • (3)Stock market crashed . 股市崩盘。 destroy.v. 破坏,摧毁,毁灭 Eg. All his hope were destroyed
Editors of newspapers and magazines often ____ ____ ____ to provide their readers with ____ facts and ____. Last year a ____ had been ____ by a well-known magazine to write an article on the president's ____ in a new African republic. When the ____ arrived, the editor read the first sentence and then refused to ____it. The article began: ‘Hundreds of steps lead to the high wall which surrounds the president's palace. ’The editor at once sent the ____ a fax instructing him to ____ ____ the exact number of steps and the ____ of the wall. The journalist immediately ____ ____to obtain these important facts, but he took a long time to send them. two more faxes, but received no reply. He sent yet another fax informing the journalist that if he did not reply soon he would be fired. When the journalist again failed to reply, the editor reluctantly published the only had the poor man been arrested, but he had been sent to prison as well. However, he had at last been ____to send a fax ____ ____ he informed the ____ that he had been arrested while counting the 1, 084 steps ____ ____ the fifteen-foot wall which ____the president's palace.
• 2)grab.u.抢,夺,急抓 • grab sth .from sb./sth. • grab at sth. 设法抓住 Eg. (1) He grabbed at the opportunity of going abroad. • grab off 抢走,事先得到 eg. The people who got to the show first grabbed off the best seats.
Snatch .v. 抢夺 (seize sth. quickly, sometimes rudely) Eg. She snatched the letter from me. snatch up 夺取
• grasp .v. 紧紧抓住 理解,领会 (seize sth. firmly with hands) Eg. (1)He grasped my hands warmly. (2)She never could grasp how to do it. • clutch .v. 抓住(--at)(frightened) Eg. A drowning man will clutch at straws. 病急乱投医 • seize .v.抓住(eagerly ; 侵袭,占据(心理) seize power ;夺取政权 • be seized with panic 惊惶失措
Lesson 6 Smash—and—grab
Summary writing for L5
• Though the journalist immediately set out to get the facts after receiving instructions from his editor, he didn’t send them at once. Meanwhile, the editor was getting inpatient, so he sent three faxes, finally threatening to fire the journalist. When the last fax as unanswered, the article was published in its original form. The journalist sent the editor a fax a week later explaining he had been imprisoned after counting the steps and measuring the height of the wall.