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Fashion Key words and phrases

fashion时尚, [ 'fæʃən ] fashionable时尚的[ 'fæʃənə bl ] popular 流行的,

latest 最新的,

stylish 时髦的, [ 'stai liʃ ]

in fashion 时尚的,

out of fashion 过时的,

cool 酷,

confident自信的,[ 'kɔn fi dənt ] wear high heel shoes[ hi:l ]脚后跟( necklace[ 'nek lis ],项链glasses, rings[ riŋz ],

tattoos纹身[ tə'tu:s,],

perfume 香水[pə'f ju:m]),weird古怪的[ wiəd](strange)modern现代的[ 'mɔ dən ],chase fashion[ tʃeis]追赶时尚

( follow fashion , go after fashion) 追赶时尚,trend流行趋势,[trend] n.

trendy 流行的,[ 'tren di ]

casual wear休闲服,[ 'kæʒjuəl ]

sports wear运动服,

T-shirt, dress连衣裙


Jeans 牛仔裤, [dʒi:nz]

model 模特, [ 'mɔ dəl ]

unique独特的, [ ju: 'ni:k ]


1. What’s fashion?

Fashion means something popular and it cover s['kʌvə] many aspect s[ 'æs pekt] of our life, like clothing, food, music, movies and some behavior s[ bi 'hei vjə ]表现. There are some fashionable behavior s, like using ipad, using iphone, wearing high[ hi:l ]heel shoes,

wearing perfume [pə'f ju:m],

wearing makeup,

dying hair and so on.

Something in fashion now:

1) iphone4s, ipad2

2) T-shirt, Jeans, skirt, black stockings


2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of fashion?

I think fashion make s the world full of color.

Every season there will be some new-style cloth es or something else coming out and people will know what

is happening in life.

And they will have more topic s to discuss. Fashion can make people look cool and unique [ ju: 'ni:k ].

If there were no fashion in the world, everyone would wear the same clothes. It would be so boring.

But fashion is always expensive.

If you follow fashion, you will spend a lot of money.

3. What are the characteristic [,kæ rək tə'ris tik] 特点of fashion?

I think that fashion always change s with time and people’s taste for beauty.

It goes in cycles. Things that used to be fashionable will come back in style in the future.

Example:10 years ago, CD player and walkman were in fashion. Now mp5 is in fashion.

4. What do you think of fashion?

A.I think fashion is mostly a really good thing because wearing something fashionable make s me feel good inside.

I will look cool and feel confident in fashionable clothes. However, I really hate some fashion because they're ugly!!

B: I don't care about fashion.

I know fashion change s very fast.

Something in style will be out of fathion very soon.

I just wear the clothes which are comfortable and not too expensive.

But I have my own style. I like wearing sportswear.

I love my style .

And as a student, I think I should focus on my study and I don’t spend much time and money on fashion. Q: Do you follow fashion?
