某商业住宅楼的电气设计(doc 41页)

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学 生 课程 设 计


建筑电气课程设计 姓 名 学 号 院 系 专 业 指导教师

2011年 12 月 29 日


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※ ※※※※※※※※※ 2011届学生 课程设计材料










A Design of Elctrical building for a Residential in Yiyang (Hunan City University Building Environment and Equipment Engineering student of

2011 session)

Abstract:This design is a commercial building construction yiyang electrical design. The total construction area of 5060.52 m2, a total of three units, six floors, building category type, waterproofing roof grade level 2, building fire grade level 2.

This design includes lamps, switch, socket decorate, the system graph connection, loop of Numbers, the layout of distribution box, etc.

This design is mainly residential building design of lighting system with lightning protection system, according to the national standard requires us, comply with the design standard. To meet user needs, safe and reliable, economic and practical. We request according to the original material, the reasonable computation select priority scheme; According to priority scheme selection, reasonable selection and arrangement of the lamps, switches, sockets, wires and distribution box and so on. Drawing electrical lighting distribution system plan, figure and roof lightning protection plan. And we must demand the forehead of accord with calculation, according to the code for each device to determine the model.

The lightningproof grounding design including building lightningproof level determination, and lightning strikes measures, the laying, avoid nets lead position, etc.

Key words: Lighting, power distribution system, lightningproof grounding


第1章绪论 (1)

1.1 设计题目 (1)

1.2 工程概况 (1)

1.2 设计任务 (1)

1.3 设计依据 (1)

第2章方案论证 (2)

2.1 照明系统方案论证 (2)

2.2 防雷系统方案论证 (2)

第3章照明系统 (4)

3.1照度计算 (5)

库房照度计算 (5)

住宅照度计算 (9)

3.2照明平面图的布置 (13)

3.3 设备选择 (13)

第4章负荷等级及负荷计算 (14)

4.1负荷等级 (14)

4.2供电电源 (15)

4.3用电负荷计算书 (17)

第5章导线的选择及开关插座的具体安装 (23)

5.1电源、电缆进户方式 (23)

5.2线路的计算电流 (24)

5.3导线和电缆类型的选择 (25)

5.4导线的选择 (26)

5.5电缆的选择............................................................................................. .27

5.6绝缘保护层的选择 (27)

5.7中性线、保护线截面积的选择 (27)

5.8本工程导线、电缆的选择 (28)

5.9灯具安装高度 (30)

5.10断路器型号及安装高度 (30)

第6章防雷接地系统 (31)
