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This is Thailand's map
The national flag is a rectangle(长方形). The red, white and blue five horizontal(横 向的) rectangle parallel arrangement (平 行并列)constitute.
Is a tourist resort in Thailand ‘s performance from taking female hormones(雌性激素) and the development of the male. Because of the special social environment and the causes, shemale become for people to enjoy the fun of object.
White for religion(宗教), the symbol of the religious purity(纯洁).
National emblem (国徽)
Thailand national emblem is a highly religious mystery totem (图腾) pattern. Design is a big bird, and the bird back squats the lai king. Legends of the big bird is a kind of with wings gods, that lai king is the legendary patron saint(守护神).
Confucius Institute (孔子学院)
At present Thailand pay more and more attention to Chinese language education in Thailand, a total of 12 of the Confucius Institute, many volunteers have travelled to Thailand to Chinese teaching.
Thailand has “the elephant of the gentiles” (“大象之 邦”) reputation,Thick leg such as columns, like body and walls of the huge elephant, in Thailand people ‘s eyes is a symbol of good luck.
The beauty of Thailand----Phuket (普吉岛)
Phuket is called the andaman sea “pearl“(“珍珠”), phuket is southeast Asia‘s representative tourist resort(度假胜地). Its charm(魅力) lies first of all in the beautiful sea, the west coast of the island is to andaman sea, where all over the original young white beach, each beach all have their own advantages and charm.
At last, I want to say, Man who travels far knows more.
Thanks for your listening.
common expression
中文: 你好! (Hello!) 泰文: (男)sa wad dee kab (女)sa wad dee ka 撒哇低咔 中文: 谢谢!(Thank you!) 泰文: (男)kob kun kab (女)kob kun ka 扩昆咔 中文: 再见 ! (Goodbye!) 泰文: la gon 拉宫 (但是泰国人常说 bye bye) 中文: 我爱你! (I love you!) 泰文: chan rak teu 缠拉特 中文: 多少钱?(How much?) 泰文: tao rai 套来 中文: 帅! (handsome) 泰文: luo 裸 中文: 漂亮!(beautiful) 泰文: suay 随
Thailand food
Thailand food is characterized by hot, appetizers(开胃), let a person eat addiction . Thailand is a tropical(热带) country, green vegetables, seafood, fruit is extremely rich. Therefore Thailand food materials mainly in seafood, fruits, vegetables.
Currency (货币)
The Thai baht [ba:t] is Thailand's currency. Each cast city of positive are cast a Thai king “pumipeng · freddy adu DE” (“普密 蓬·阿杜德”) head portrait(头像). The latest rate (最新汇率)(2012年6月28) 1人民币元(RMB)=5.0109泰铢 1 美元(dollars)= 31.15泰铢 1 欧元(euro)= 40.2403泰铢 1 英镑(pounds)= 50.2015泰铢 1泰铢 = 0.2022人民币 1泰铢 = 0.0321 美元 1泰铢 = 0.02485 欧元 1泰铢 = 0.01992英镑
Say “hello”
Because deeply buddhist(佛教的)culture influence, namaste(合十礼) is Thai daily etiquette(礼节), and the international common shake hands as common courtesy(礼貌). In the Thai namaste there are many exquisite(讲究), “pecking order, and different” (“长幼有序,贵贱 有别”) is the basic rules do namaste.
Thai main believe in Buddhism(佛教). Buddhism is Thailand moral Confucianism (道德礼教) “criterion”(准则), maintaining social harmony and promote the impulsion (原动力) of art.
Thailand is a constitutional monarchy regime (君主立宪政体国 家), the king is supreme, blue for the royal(王室), blue center symbol in the royal the people of all ethnic groups and the purity of the religion. Red represents national(民 族),and the people of all ethnic groups symbol of strength (力量) and dedication (献身精神).
Thailand 泰国
姓名:马文雯 专业:语言学及应用语言学 导师:郭卫东
Thailand full name kingdom of Thailand, located in southeast Asia(东南亚). East Laos(老挝) and Cambodia(柬埔寨), the south is Siam down (暹罗湾) and Malaysia(马来西 亚), west meets myanmar(缅甸) and andaman sea(安达 曼海). Formerly known as Siam (暹罗).
Beautiful Bangkok
Like many other languages in the world, Thai is a complex mixture of diversification(多 元化). Thai many of the words from the pali(巴利 语), Sanskrit(梵语), Khmer(高棉语), Malay (马来语), English and Chinese. With 44 consonants(辅音), vowels (元音)32, there are five tones(音调).
Thailand water-splashing festival——“songkran”
Thailand water-splashing festival is also called “songkran” (“宋干 节”), in every year on April 13, spent three days, it is Thailand‘s important festivals. It represents a clear all evil(邪恶)and misfortune , and with all that is good and pure to start a year. At the same time Thailand water-splashing festival also contributed to the Thai the vigorous(蓬勃的) development of tourism industry.
Today was the choice of introduction of southeast Asia on behalf of Thailand is considering: in xinjiang, the students know the majority of that is central Asia knowledge, hope that through me today's introduction can cause everyone's interest, to seek more extensive knowledge.
Thailand is the capital of Bangkok(曼谷).Hailed as “the capital of buddhism ”( “佛教之都”). The people of Thailand Bangkok " army paste ” (“军贴”), meaning “the city of angels ” (“天使之城”). Bangkok city heavy water transportation to Bangkok "Oriental Venice ” (“东方威尼斯” )good name.