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一、Listen and choose.听一听,选出所听到单词。

( ) 1. A. sometimes B. weekend C. often D. usually ( ) 2. A. mountains B. morning C. exercises D. eleven

( ) 3. A. May B. March C. June D. July

( ) 4. A. swim B. summer C. spring D. snow

( ) 5. A. pick B. play C. about D. get

( ) 6. A. June B. July C. January D. November

( ) 7. A. 900 B. 830 C. 730 D. 1000

( ) 8. A. now B. no C. November D. noon

( ) 9. A. sunny B. windy C. cool D. cold

( ) 10. A. which B. what C. why D. when

二、Listen and choose.听一听,选出所听到的词组或句子。

( ) 1. A. go to school B. get up C. go home

( ) 2. A. play with the ball B. play sports C. play football

( ) 3. A. go shopping B. go hiking C. go swimming

( ) 4. A. Is your birthday in January?

B. My birthday is in February.

C. Uncle Booky’s birthday is in February.

( ) 5. A. What can you do in winter?

B. What do you usually do in the morning?

C. What do you often do in the evening?

三、Listen and tick.听一听,选出与录音内容相符的图片。

( ) 1. A. B.

( ) 2. A. B.

( ) 3. A. B.

( ) 4. A. B.

( ) 5. A. B.

四、Listen and choose.听一听,选择合适的答句。

( ) 1. A. Go to school. B. At 830. C. I usually get up at 630.

( ) 2. A. Yes, I do. B. At home. C. Usually I watch TV.

( ) 3. A. Spring. B. No, I don’t. C. It’s sunny.

( ) 4. A. Because I can swim in the lake. B. It’s fall. C. At 7 p.m. ( ) 5. A. It’s November. B. My uncle does. C. My birthday is on December lst.

五、Listen and write.听一听,填上所缺单词,补全句子。

1. ________ do you have on ________?

2. ________ is good, but ________ is my favourite.

3. I ________ visit my grandparents on the ________.

4. I usually ________ ________ at 700.

5. oom sleeps in ________.

六、Listen and tick or cross.听一听,判断句子正√误×。

( ) 1. There are a few fun things in summer.

( ) 2. There is a sports meet in spring.

( ) 3. There is an Easter party in April.

( ) 4. There is a school trip in April.

( ) 5. There is a school trip in May.


一、Read and tick or cross.读一读,判断每组单词画线部分发音是否相同,相同的打√,不同的打×。

( ) 1. class April ( ) 2. season breakfast

( ) 3. kite climb ( ) 4. get bed ( ) 5. make have

二、Look and write.看一看,补全对话,每空只填一个单词。

1. A What do you usually do on the weekend?

B I usually ________ ________.

2. A ________ do you like ________?

B Because it’s pretty.

3. A When is Teachers’ Day?

B It’s ________ ________.

4. A When do you get up?

B ________ ________.

5. A What do you do on the weekend?

B We often ________ ________.

三、 Reorder the words and write.将所给单词组成句子,写在横线上。

1. I, with, my, family, often, go, on, a, picnic, (.)


2. I, make, a, snowman, like, because, can, winter, (.)


3. birthday, her, May, in, is, (.)


4. like, summer, I, can, every, day, I, because, go, swimming, (.) _____________________________________________________________________

5. do, usually, go, to, bed, you, when, (?)


四、Read and choose.阅读短文,选择正确答案。

Tom Hi! I’m Tom. Can I ask you some questions?

Mike Sure.

Tom When do you usually come to school?

Mike I come to school at 800. Classes begin at 830.

Tom How many classes do you have every day?

Mike Six or seven.

Tom What’s your favourite class?

Mike I like maths best.
