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1、a bit有点儿 a bit of 后跟名词 a bit of housework

I feel a bit / a little lonely from time to time because I have just come to a new school.


a little 有点儿,(比…)稍微…可修饰比较级

It‟s 10 a.m.. I feel a little hun gry.上午10点了,我感到有点饿。

Lily is 1.65 metres tall. I am 1.63 metres tall. Lily is a little taller than I.


2、ability n.能力 be able to do

Different people have different abilities. Find out more about his abilities.


3、above prep.在…的上面

Wilson lives two floors above Wendy.Wilson住在Wendy楼上两层。

below prep.在…的下面

Mary lives six floors below Wendy. Mary住在Wendy楼下6层。

over prep.在…的上方

There is a bridge over the river.有一座桥横跨这条河。

under prep. 在…的下方

There is a bike under the tree.有一辆自行车在树下。

on prep. 在…的上面 o

There is a book on the desk.桌上有一本书。

4、abroad adv.在国外,到国外

I‟m planning to travel abroad in this coming summer holidays.


5、accept vt. 接受辨析:receive 收到

Do you accept what he told you?你能接受他所告诉你的事吗?

6、accident n.事故,意外的事

The car accident killed three men yesterday.昨天,三个人在这场车祸中丧生。

7、achieve vt.获得achieve a balance between…and…在…和…之间获得平衡

I don‟t know how to achieve a balance between my schoolwork and my hobbies.C an you give me

some advice?


8、across prep.穿过go across the road/ bridge/street/field

Go across the road and walk on,you‟ll see the bookshop.


cross vt.穿过

Cross the road and you‟ll see the m useum. 穿过这条马路,你就看到那个博物馆。

crossroads n. 十字路口

through prep.穿过,通过go through the forest/tunnel 穿过森林/隧道

They put candles in them so the light shines through the eyes,the nose and the teeth.


The sun is shining through the window.阳光透过窗户照进来。

9、action n.行动take action(s)采取行动

We can take the following actions to protect giant pandas.


If we do not take action,there will be no bears in the world.


10、active adj. 积极的,活跃的反义词:inactive

You are energetic and active,but sometimes too impatient.


take an active part in 积极参加

actively adv. 积极地,活跃地

We hope this information will help them understand and make them actively take action to protect wildlife.


11、activity n.活动after-school/outdoor/indoor activities 课外/户外/室内活动

We do after-school activities every afternoon.我们每天下午进行室内活动。

12、advantage n.优势,长处disadvantage n.劣势,缺点,不利条件

Living in the country has advantages and disadvantages.住在农村既有优势也有劣势。

13、advise vt.建议,劝告advise sb.to do sth.建议某人做某事

Our English teacher advises us to speak English as much as possible.


advice n. (U)建议,劝告,忠告

give sb. some advice 给某人提一些建议

I don‟t know how to learn English well.I hope you can give me some advice.


suggestion n. (C) 建议offer sb. some suggestions

Can you offer me some suggestions?

14、affect vt.影响affect our moods 影响我们的心情

Do you know that colours can affect our moods?你知道颜色能影响我们情绪吗?

effect n. 影响,作用have a good/bad effect on sb.对某人有好的/坏的影响

15、afford vt./ vi.买的起,能做afford sth. 买的起afford to do sth.有能力做某事

We can‟t afford to pay such a price.我们没有能力承担这样的价格。

Th e car is too expensive. I can‟t afford it/I can‟t afford to buy it.这辆太贵了,我买不起。

16、afraid adj.担心,害怕,恐怕

be afraid /be afraid of sth./doing/be afraid to do sth./be afraid that

I have a lot of homework to do. I‟m afraid (that) I can‟t go with you.


I‟m afraid of snakes.我害怕蛇。

I‟m afraid of going out alone at night.我害怕晚上单独出去。

Don‟t be afraid to ask questions.不要害怕问问题。

frightened adj. 感到恐惧的

They heard something unusual,they felt frightened.


17、against prep. 反对,违反,紧靠

He is wanted because he has done something against the law.

