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姓名罗斌学号******** 指导教师何致远职称副教授

2006年 6 月 6 日





Along with the quick change of the development of science and technology , the wired network is substituted for the wireless network garadually。At present, the technology of wireless communication has already become the advanced science and technology representative and the application in manufactory has become another hotspot technology in international control field after the local bus unit and industrial Ethernet。It has been used Widely in the industrial automation, the commercial automation and transportation control management and so on. The RF technology is the focal point in the wireless domain, and has been listed one of the most promising important industries and application technologies in the 21st century.Moreover wired data transfer has the series of merits of low cost、high dependability、convenient maintenance、flexible application which the wireless transfer can't overtake.In the view of this, we have outspreaded the design and exploitation which integrat the RF technology into wireless data gathering system,validate the feasibility and the practicability of the wireless data gathering system based wireless RF technology.This project also has some referenced value to the other series of semblable application in wireless data transfer, wireless data copying,long-distance monitor and otherwise.

Keywords:data collecting wireless data transfer Radio frequency


摘要...............................................................................................................I 1 绪论.. (1)

1.1 本课题的背景与意义 (1)

1.2 国内外无线传输现状与发展 (2)

1.2.1 无线传输技术现状及特点 (2)

1.2.2 无线射频技术的发展前景 (3)

1.3 本文所完成的工作 (4)

2 无线数据采集系统的原理与单片机控制的电路设计 (5)

2.1无线数据采集系统的原理 (5)

2.2 单片机部分的电路设计 (6)

2.2.1 数据采集原理 (6)

2.2.2 单片机控制的硬件设计 (7)

2.3 AT89S51单片机 (11)

2.3.1 CPU特性 (11)

2.3.2 存储器 (11)

2.3.3 单片机的工作方式 (12)

2.3.4 并行I/O接口 (14)

2.3.5 串行接口 (16)

2.2.6 中断系统 (18)

3 无线射频电路设计 (19)

3.1 nRF401 芯片简介 (19)

3.2 nRF401 应用说明 (21)

3.2.1 电气特性 (22)

3.2.2 工作模式时序 (22)

3.2.3 天线阻抗匹配 (23)

3.2.4 PLL环路滤波... . (25)

3.2.5 VOC感抗 (25)

3.2.6 晶振说明 (25)

3.3 nRF401 射频电路设计 (25)

3.4 nRF401无线发射抗干扰设计 (27)
