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自然拼读试卷 IMB standardization office【IMB 5AB- IMBK 08- IMB 2C】



1. bag bed

2. can ken

3. fent fend

4. dig pig

5. mill pill

6. peg beg west 8. bell bill

9. hen ham 10. day pay


1. 26个字母中,元音字母是(),(),(),(),()。


2. 元音字母短音用()标注。

3. 短音规则:一个()加上一个()结尾一个



urse(护士) ish(鱼) og(狗) onkey(猴子)

ear(梨子)ho (热) su (太阳) ca (小猫)

irl(女孩) id(小孩) bi (大的) am(果酱)

ma (男人 ) ebra(斑马) amp(台灯) ouse(老鼠) irl(女孩)sa (沙子)ha (手) emon(柠檬) 四、圈出所听到的单词,注意单词的首辅音和尾辅音。(14’)

bike pat lame den wine hid fill

hike cat name ten vine hip film

Bob pan milk safe fill pipe fox

bod pam nick save film hide moss

五、用(10’) bee ice-cream open uniform apple elephant Indian dog cat leg cake beach pizza close sail clothes octopus pig fat pine


1、() A、hat B、hand C、hate

2、() A、bed B、bee C、net

3、() A、tape B、hade C、pig

4、() A、fat B、hop C、fan

4、() A、fall B、had C、jam


nt c p d g p g s n h t

p t f x b s d ck b g m ss

j mp c t b d r d gg f t

d d m p sh p b ll b lt p g

h t r n fr g c t d g l g


1、This is a tub. He put his cub in the tub. The cub jumped out of the tub and ran in the mud.

2、The hog hops on a log. The hog can hop and stop. The hog stops in the fog.

3、This is Bill. Bill has a big pill. This is Will. Will has a big well. The pill fell. Bill’s pill fell into Will’s well.
