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As shown in the first chart, oil was the world’s main energy source, accounting for 37% of the energy consumption in 2005. Followed by coal and natural gas, constituting 28% and 23% respectively. By comparison, the proportion of nuclear power was small, 6%, equating that of hydro-electricity.

Saudi Arabia accounts for the largest proportion of the world’s oil reserves, 20%, well ahead of Canada, the country with the second biggest reserve, 14%. Behind Canada are four Middle East countries, namely Iran(10%), Iraq(9%), Kuwait(8%) and United Arab(8%). By contrast, the reserves of Venezuela, Russia and the united states are relatively small, making up 6%, 5% and 2@ respectively. The remaining 18% is found in other countries.


The three pie charts show how university students in three countries spent their money in the year 2003.

In general, students in countries A spent slightly more than those in country B(US$5,000 and US$4,500 respectively). In comparison, student expenditure in country C was considerably lower, at only US$1,500 per year.

Accommodation and food were the two biggest items of expenditure. Altogether they constituted around 60% of the total students’ expenditure in all the three countries. The difference is that in country A and B accommodation spending exceeded food spending while the reverse was true for country C.

The rest of the students’ spending was divided among leisure, books and others. Leisure spending constituted a larger percentage (around 20%) of student expenditure in both country A and B, while in country C more money was spent on books(12%) than on leisure(12%).

Overall, as wealth decreased, the percentage of student s’ spending on non-essential items reduced.



This bar chart shows the changes in the amount of oil discovered worldwide every 5 years from 1950 to 2005 and the predicted figures from 2010 to 2020.

In 1950, the world oil discovery stood at 20 billion barrels a year, which grew dramatically over the next 15 years to reach a peak at approximately 56 billion barrels in 1965. However, from this year onwards, the growth of oil discovery was suddenly replaced by a sharply downward trend, with some ups and downs, to approximately 6 billion barrels a year in 2005, about 1/10of its peak amount in 1965.

It is predicted that 7 billion barrels of oil will be discovered worldwide in the year 2010, and this figure is forecast to decline steadily to an all-time low of only 3 billion barrels in 2020.

In conclusion, this chart shows that world oil discovery peaked in the 1960s but has been declining for over 40 years, and this trend is expected to continue into the near future.

The bar chat shows information about the areas of land damaged by human activities in four major continents of the world.

The area of land damaged in Africa and Asia are similar, totalling approximately 1,200 million hectares for each, while in Australia and Europe the numbers are considerably lower, averaging between 300and 400 million.

Looking at the causes behind land damages, it can be seen that in African, Europe and especially Australia, breeding is the leading cause of land loss, damaging approximately 500, 100 and 400 million hectares of land respectively. Next comes tree-cutting which takes away slightly larger areas of land than farming in all the three regions.

Asia shows a slightly different picture, where tree-cutting activities have led to the largest amount of land loss (450 million hectares). Breeding and farming account for the remaining damage (380 and 420 million hectares respectively). Overall, breeding causes the most pervasive damage to land around the world.


Overall, the world population rose sharply from less than 500 million in the 1400s to 6 billion in 2000, a growth of 12 times over 600 years. The increase was more dramatic after 1800 and only in the 1700s was there an obvious decline (1.2 billion to 0.9 billion).
