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黑龙江省龙东地区 2017年初中毕业学业统一考试

英语试题 (森工、农垦)




I. MUltiPIe ChOiCe (本题共20分,每小题1分)

ChOOSe the best answer from A, B or C according to the meaning of the sentence.


)1. Dear Childre n, this is _____ UnU SUal exam. ____ exam is Very importa nt to you.

PleaSe take it easy. WiSh you good results. A. an; The B. a; an C. an; An (

)2. — Where ' S EriC now?

—He With his CIaSSmateS __ the teacher ' S office.

( )3. If you Want to keep your teeth healthy, you 'd better not eat ________ a lot.

A. SOmeth ing SWeet

B. anything SWeet

C. nothing SWeet ( )4. Chairman Xi Ji npi ng met the PreSide nt of the USA ___ April 6th, 2017.

A. in

B. On

C. at ( )5. Although Cindy is a _____ girl, She Can Iook after herself well.

A. SeVe n years old

B. SeVe n- years-old (

)6. — There is little pollution in that village, ______ ?

— No. The air there is quite fresh and clea n. A. is there

B. isn 'there

( )7. — I missed the______ of ReaderS yesterday evening.


1、 考试时间120分钟

2、 全卷共六道大题,总分 120分

A. has bee n to

B. have gone to

C. has gone to C. SeVe n-year-old C. is it

A. beg inner; HUrry UP

B. begi nning; What a Pity

C. begi n; No problem

_____ ! BUt you Can WatCh the replay toni ght.

( )8. _____ g reat CoUntryChina is! EVery Chin ese is proud of her.

A. What

B. How

C. What a

( )9. The TV play Journey to the WeSt is ______ interesting ______ I Want to WatCh it again.

A. such; that

B. too; to

C. so; that

)10. EVery One plays an importa nt Part in society. AS members, We should try our best

to do ___ to make the world better and better. A. What We should do B. What should We do C. how We should do )11. It ' S time for me ______ goodbye to my mother school. I will never forget all my _____ l ove.

A. to say; teachers '

B. Saying; teachers ' )12. I think the PhUbbers(低头族)are SUPPOSed to _________________________________

their Smart Phon es. A. CUt off; in B. CUt dow n; On C. CUt up; On

)13. AS for lear ning En glish, StUde nts ____ read a lot Can do much better tha n _____

who don ' t. A. who; that B. which; those C. that; those

)14. — Look! The man at the gate _______ be our headmaster. He is always Sta nding

there to welcome US every morning.

—No, it ______ be him. He is holdi ng a meet ing in the OffiCe now.

A. must; Can't

B. must; must n't

C. Can't; must n't )15. My cous in is _____ heavy because he ofte n eats ______ f ast food.

A. much too; too many

B. too much; too much

C. much too; too much )16. Not Only you but also he is look ing forward to _____ i nto the best Senior high school

now. A. get B. getti ng C. gets

)17. The nu mber of the old people is in CreaS ing in China. With the developme nt of

China, they better Care of in the future.

A. will take

B. are take n

)18. — Alice, could you tell me Whe n your SiSter

—I'm not sure. I will call you Whe n She __

A. will come back; will retur n

B. will come back; retur ns

C. comes back; will retur n )19. _____ of the StUde nts in OUr class week.

A. Two fifths; are

B. SeCond fifths; are

C. Two fifths; is )20. WhiCh of the followi ng Sig ns mea ns DoN ATERGH E RE?


C. to say; teacher the time they SPe nd _

C. WiIl be

taken from Harbi n ?

going to the SUmmer CamP in Beiji ng


得分 评卷人




∏ .Close test (本题共15分,每小题1


Choose the best answer to complete the passage.
