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Section C

Directions: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Five Weeks in a Balloon

Chapter 12

“Let's go all", shouted the doctor standing between his two companions Joe and Kennedy. The air was pure, the wind moderate, and the balloon climbed almost upright to a height of fifteen hundred feet, as indicated by a depression of two inches in the barometric(气压的)column.

(67) ____________________________What a magnificent spectacle was then outspread the beneath the gate of the travelers! The island of Zanzibar could be seen in its entire extent, marked out by the deeper color upon a vast plain. The fields had the appearance of patterns of different colors, and thick champs of green indicated the short trees and grass.

The inhabitants of the island looked no larger than insects. The laughing and shouting were little by little lost in the distance, and only the discharge of the ship’s guns could be heard beneath the balloon, as the latter sped on its fight.

"How fine that is! "said Joe, breaking silence for the first time.

He got no reply. The doctor was busy observing the variations of the barometer and noting down the details of his ascent (上升)。

(68) ____________________________

The rays of the sun coming to the aid of the heating cylinder (气缸),the tension of the gas increased, and the balloon Victoria rose to the height of twenty-five hundred feet. The ship Resolute looked like a mere seashell, and the African coast could be distinctly seen in the west marked out by

a margin of foam.

(69) ____________________________Dense borders of mango-trees protected its margin, and the ebb-tide (退潮)disclosed to view their thick roots, rubbed and bitten by the teeth of the Indian Ocean. The sands which, at an earlier period, formed the coast-line, rounded away along the distant horizon, and Mount Nguru reared aloft its sharp summit in the northwest.

The Victoria passed near to a village which the doctor found marked upon his chart as Kaole.

(70) ____________________________At the same time, they were vainly directing their arrows against this monster of the air that swept along so majestically away above all their powerless anger. 【答案】67-70 BEDA






Section C

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the sentences given below. Each Sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Mario on an iPhone? It works

This was not supposed to happen. For years, fans had tried to persuade Nintendo, a Japanese company, to put Mario on smartphones. 67___________________________________. Until Dec. 15, when Nintendo released Super Mario Run, for Apple iPhones and iPads. The bigger surprise? Super Mario Run is excellent.

68___________________________________________. He is still the plumber who dashes from
