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封面目录 (1)

Unit 4 I have a pen pal 参考答案……………第2~5页

Unit 5 What does he do? 参考答案……………第6~8页

Unit 6 How do you feel? 参考答案……………第9~13页Recycle 2 参考答案……………………第13~14页

Unit 4 I have a pen pal

Part A

I. Read and number(读一读,给对话泡中的句子排排序吧).

Ⅱ. Read and judge(根据上题,判断对“√”错“×”).





Ⅲ. Read and fill in the blanks(读一读,填一填).

1. reading, doing, swimming

2. flying, singing

Ⅳ. Read and write(读一读,写一写).

1. play sports—playing sports

2.clibm mountains—climbing mountains

3.listen to music—listening to music

4. watch TV—watching TV

5. play the pipa—playing the pipa

6. draw cartoons—drawing cartoons

Ⅴ. Read and finish the sentences(看图,完成句子).

1. playing football

2. dancing

3. doing kung fu

4. singing

5. reading

Ⅵ. Read and write(阅读后完成下列题目).

1. Read and write(阅读短文,完成信息)

Name: David

From: England

Age: 11

Favourite singer: Lady Gaga

Hobbies: dancing, singing, playing football

2. Read and write(根据信息完成下面的短文).

Dear David:

My name is Luo Wen. I live in China. I am 12 years old. I like doing kung fu. My favourite star is Li Xiaolong. I also like playing ping pong and drawing cartoons. I

often draw cartoons at the drawing club. I want to be your pen pal. Write to me, please.


Luo Wen

Part B

I. Read and choose(读一读,将所缺句子的代号填写在横线上).


Ⅱ. Read and choose(读一读,选一选).

1. C

2. A

3. D

4. B

5. E

Ⅲ. Read the passage, choose and write(读一读,选一选, 写一写).

Dear John, I’m from the USA. I live in China. I’m very interested in Australia, and I’m learning English. I like doing word puzzles and going hiking. My favourite animal is dog. My favourite sport is playing football. My favourite subject is PE. I can speak English and Chinese. Write to me or cha t with me. Let’s be friends!



Ⅳ. Read look and number(读句子,看图片,标序号).

Ⅴ. Think and write(想一想,仿照例词写出单词的相应形式).

1. read reads

2. cook cooks

3. make makes

4. do does

5. go goes

6. teach teaches

7. play plays

8. study studies

Ⅵ. Read and fill in the blanks(读一读,完成短文).

lives, works, goes, bike, likes, cat, likes, reads

Ⅶ. Read and tick(阅读短文,完成工作表).

My pen pal

1. Does she live in Canada? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.

2. Does she study Chinese? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.

3. Does she like China? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.

4. Does she like doing word puzzles? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.

5. Does she like doing kung fu? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.

Self check

Ⅰ. Listen and circle(听句子,圈出你听到的短语).


Ⅱ. Listen and tick(听一听,选一选).


Ⅲ. Listen again and fill in the blanks(根据上题完成句子).


Ⅳ. Listen and tick or cross(听录音,判断对错,对的打“√”,错的打“×”).


Ⅴ. Underline the verbs and fill in the blanks( 照例子划出动词并填空).

Every summer holiday, Lily visits Uncle Sam. He has a big farm. Lily usually stays there for a week. On Monday, she runs after the dogs. On Tuesday, she feeds the chicken. On Wednesday, she draws pictures under the tree. On Thursday, she milks the cow. On Friday, she rides the horse. On Saturday evening, she dances and sings with her uncle and aunt. On Sunday afternoon, she goes back home. She likes


has —have stays —stay

runs —run feeds —feed

draws —draw milks —milk

rides —ride dances —dance

sings —sing goes —go

Ⅵ. Choose the right words and fill in the blanks(选词填空).

1. playing the pipa

2. reading stories

3. playing football

4. singing

5. doing kung fu

Ⅶ. Rearrange the sentences(给句子排序,连成对话).
