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Choose the best answer for each of the following items. 1.All the world is three parts –finger-feeders, chopstick-feeders, and fork-feeders.

A. fall into

B. separate from

C. broken up

D. divided into 答案:D选项fall into 和divideinto 都有“某事分成几部分”的概念,不过,前者用于主动结构sth falls into …,而后者一般用于sth be divided into …结构。短语break up常用意义有“破碎、破裂、结束”等,还有“分开”的意思,用于sth breaks up into …结构,表示“分成……”,也多表示主动。Separate from, 区分开,隔开。

2. We want especially to thank the friends who gave us encouragement.

A. numerous

B. nutritious

C. ridiculous

D. anxious 答案:A既然想感谢那些帮助过自己的朋友,选项B、C、D的含义均与句子不符。Numerous, 数目众多的,大量的;nutritious,有营养的;ridiculous, 滑稽的,可笑的;anxious, 焦虑的,着急的。

3. Fork-users have historically been the minority.

A. on

B. at

C. in

D. with 答案:C本题考查介词短语in the minority(属于少数派)的用法。类似的用法还有in the majority (属于多数派)。

4. People have eaten with their fingers for most of human.

A. assistance

B. existence

C. persistence

D. resistance 答案:B句子意思:人类多数________一直是用手指抓饭吃的。Assistance,帮助,协助;existence,存在;persistence, 坚持;resistance, 抵抗。

5. Mr Johnson a teacher who had done similar projects in the same field.

A. dealt with

B. told off

C. led to D . told of

6. Forks and chopsticks won because they made it easier to handle hot food.

A. money

B. game

C. favor

D. fate 答案:C本题考查动词win和名词favor的搭配。Towin favor, 赢得喜欢,得以流行。其他三个词在句子中不符合情境。7.Dr Wang, students' language proficiency is very closely related to their

motivation in learning.

A. Prior to

B. According to

C. Thanks to

D. In spite of 答案:B从句子内容来看,学生语言水平和学习动机密切相关,这种观点显然是Dr Wang的。Prior to,在……之前;according to, 根据……;thanks to, 感谢……;in spite of, 尽管……。8.Chinese food was served in small portions which did not cutting with a knife or fork.

A. require

B. admire

C. repeat

D. enjoy 答案:A句子意思:中国菜(上桌时)已经切成了小块状了,不______用刀子或叉子切了。Require,需要,要求;admire,羡慕;repeat, 重复;enjoy, 喜欢,享受。9.When the right opportunity ,he'll take it.

es away

es apart

es afterr

es along 答案:D本题考查动词come 与副词或介词的搭配。Comeaway, 脱落,掉下;come apart, 破掉,碎掉;come after, 追赶,跟踪;come along,出现,达到。10.A red carpet all its way to the doorway.




D.explained 11.I've included a few specific examples as of the difficulty of our work.

A. illusions

B. imaginations

C. illustrations

D. impatience 答案:C句子的意思:我已经包括了一些具体的例子来______我们工作之艰难。Illusion, 幻觉;illustration, 证明,例证;imagination, 想象;impatience, 不耐烦,急躁。12.The gap rich and poor people in cities have widened greatly these last few years.

A. besides

B. below

C. between

D. before 答案:C句子的意思:近几年来,城市里穷人和富人________形成了巨大的差别。A gap between…and …, 两者之间的鸿沟/ 差别。13.They have to make the wall strong enough to high winds. .

A. welcome

B. withstand
