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课题Unit 8 Chinese New Year 课型新授课时8-1 备课时间12.20 授课时间

教学目标1 能听懂、会读、会说 fireworks, a lion dance, red packets.

2 能听懂、会读、会说将来时句式I’m/We ’re going to

重点难点 1 能正确理解并朗读文章内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述2能正确用将来时表述自己或他人将要做的事

教具准备 PPT

教学过程二次备课Step 1 Free talk

1 What day is it today? What date is it today?

2 What holiday is coming?

Do you like ? Why? What are you going to do? I ’m going


Step 2 Presentation

1 Su Hai gets an email from her e-friend Ann in Hong Kong.

Teach: Hong Kong----It is a part of China. It returned

to motherland in 1997. Now it is a popular place for

people to travel.

2 They are also talking about the coming holiday in the

email. What holiday are they talking about?

Watch and answer: They are talking about

(holiday) in(city).

They are talking about Chinese NewYear in Hong Kong.

3 What’ s the subject of Anna’ s email?Chinese New


Teach: subject

We can also call it‘Spring Festival’

When is Chinese New Year?

It ’s usually in January or February.

Step 3 Practice

1 Howwill Anna celebrate Chinese NewYear? What is she

going to do? We have some pictures about Anna’ s

Chinese New Year.

Read and order the 6 pictures.(Look and


2 What is she going to do?

Try to talk about the pictures in pairs. With the

sentence: She is going to

Pic a: She is going to buy some new clothes with

her parents.

What else is she going to buy?

She is going to buy some food,

Pic e: She is going to make some tangyuan with her

parents. Why?

Tangyuan means: Tuan yuan, get together with family members.

Guess, what else are they going to make?

Pic b: She is going to have a big dinner with family.

Who is she going to have dinner with?

She is going to have dinner with

Pic f: She is going to buy some flowers with... Why?

Different flowers meangood wishes or signs. For


Tangerine trees:fruitful marriages,

prosperity and good luck.


Peach blossoms:romance and longevity.桃花:


People buy flowers on Chinese New Year ’s Eve,

and give fresh flowers to important people on

Chinese New Year ’ s Day. They also buy other

presents on Chinese New Year ’s Eve , such as

gifts, candy or special foods.Just like at

Christmas, people buy and give presents to each


Is it the samewith us? What do

we do on the Eve?

We watch Spring Festival Gala with family and

light fireworks.

Pic c: She is going to watch lion dance. Are you going

to watch lion dance this year? Are you going

to watch dragon dance?

Pic d: She is going to watch fireworks. When do we

watch fireworks at Chinese New Year?

On Chinese New Year ’ s Eve.

3 Anna is going to be very busy at Chinese New Year.

When is she going to do the things?

Read the passage and fill in blanks on P80.

(complete the notes)

Teach: red packets.
