2017南京市玄武区 英语一模(含答案)

2017南京市玄武区 英语一模(含答案)
2017南京市玄武区 英语一模(含答案)












1. Tandun is famous as a composer ________ winning an Oscar for his music in the film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

A. for

B. of

C. as

D. with

2. — Which magazine do you like better, Crazy Reading or Teen’s Space?

— I like ________ of them. They are useful for English learning.

A. all

B. one

C. either

D. both

3. Cindy thinks she studies as ________ as her friend Daniel. However, she always gets lower marks than him.

A. harder

B. more hardly

C. hardly

D. hard

4. — How was your exam the day before yesterday?

— Oh, I couldn’t feel ________. I made few mistakes in it.

A. worse

B. worst

C. better

D. best

5. The amazing documentary Aerial China(航拍中国) __________ the viewers with the

breathtaking beauty of the country’s natural landscapes.

A. proves

B. prevents

C. provides

D. praises

6. China announced that it would __________ the Xiong’an New Area in North China, to push for

the development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

A. tidy up

B. set up

C. put up

D. take up

7. — I called you but you did n’t answer me.

— Oh, sorry. I, together with friends, the 3-D film Beauty and the Beast at the cinema.

A. has watched

B. have watched

C. was watching

D. were watching

8. Many fans expected the 22-year-old singer Dimash, who has an amazing voice, __________ the champion in the TV program Singer 2017.

A. be

B. to be

C. has been

D. will be

9. — Is your QQ account safe?

— Yes, nobody can use it ________ they have the password.

A. unless

B. when

C. since

D. if

10. The ________ of the new type of energy is of great importance to the development of the

whole city.

A. display

B. decision

C. discovery

D. decoration

11. During the Chinese traditional holidays, ________ tourists go to Lao Mendong to experience

local colors in Nanjing.

A. a great deal of

B. a large number of

C. the number of

D. a bit of

12. —Let’s go on a trip to Jiming Temple by Mobike this Saturday, shall we?

— Good idea. But I wonder ___________________.

A. how can I download Mobike App

B. whether it’s going to rain

C. how much should we pay for the Mobike

D. that we can meet at the school gate

13. The fans in the hall clapped hands ________ when they saw their favourite pop stars come in.

A. excited

B. excitedly

C. exciting

D. excitingly

14. — My father has already decided to give up smoking.

— Congratulations! ___________________.

A. Many hands make light work

B. Better late than never

C. The early bird catches the worm

D. It never rains but it pours

15. —___________________.

— Thank you, I certainly will.

A. Happy birthday to you

B. Don’t forget to post the letter

C. Please remember me to your mum

D. Let me help you with your Maths



According to an international survey in 2016, young people in emerging(新兴的) economies like China and India have a greater sense of hope about the future, compared with 16 living in Europe, North America and Australia.

The survey was 17 by the Varkey Foundation, a UK-based non-profit organization. It surveyed 20,000 young people who were born between 1995 and 2001 in 20 countries. They were asked questions about their hopes, 18 , personal views and community values.

It was 19 that 53 percent of those questioned in China thought the world was becoming

a better place―the highest percentage among the countries surveyed. 93 percent of them also felt

20 for the future because of the development of technology, such as in medicine, renewable energy and computing.

Opposite, young people in France, Italy and Turkey had the most negative(消极的) outlook on the future, with fears about the 21 of global terrorism(恐怖主义).

As for young people in China, 22 they fear most is the impact of climate change―82 percent of those who replied to the survey said so. It was encouraging that young people in China were 23 how serious the problem of climate change is. This is surely a hopeful development. The young people of China paid more attention to the seriousness of the climate change.

The survey showed a sense of optimism(乐观主义) 24 these young people. They are more likely to travel around the world and build friendships in 25 countries than any previous generation. Global citizenship is not dead. It could just be getting started.

16. A. one B. ones C. that D. those

17. A. taken out B. carried out C. put out D. turned out

18. A. senses B. spirits C. wishes D. dreams

19. A. found B. marked C. heard D. realized

20. A. hopeful B. hopeless C. satisfied D. dissatisfied

21. A. control B. rise C. disappearance D. reducing

22. A. that B. whatever C. what D. which

23. A. aware B. afraid C. awake D. awful

24. A. among B. between C. beyond D. over

25. A. another B. others C. other D. the other




26. Why do people run 10K for Place2Be?

A. To be trained just like a volunteer.

B. To help people with their worries.

C. To have a chance to travel in England.

D. To support Place2Be and help children.

27. What is Place2Be?

A. An online school for children.

B. A sports TV program for children.

C. A charity organization for children.

D. A company that donates sports clothes to children.


Fern pushed a chair out of the way and ran outdoors. The grass was wet and the earth smelled of spring time. Fern's shoes were wet by the time she caught up with her father.

“Please don't kill it!” she cried. “It's unfair.”

Mr. Arable stopped walking. “Fern,”he said gently, “you will have to learn to control yourself.”

“Control myself?”shouted Fern. “This is a matter of life and death, and you talk about controlling myself.” Tears ran down her cheeks and she took hold of the ax and tried to pull it out of her father's hand.

“Fern,” said Mr. Arable, “I know more about raising a litter of pigs than you do. A weakling makes trouble. Now run along!”

“But it's unfair,” cried Fern. “The pig couldn't help being born small, could it? If I had been very small at birth, would you have killed me?”

Mr. Arable smiled. “Certainly not,” he said, looking down at his daughter with love. “But this is different. A little girl is one thing, a little runty pig is another.”

“I see no difference,” replied Fern, still hanging on to the ax. “This is the most terrible case of murderer I have ever heard of.”

A strange look came over John Arable's face. He seemed almost ready to cry himself. “All right,” he said.” You go back to the house and I will bring the runt(发育不全的矮小动物) when I come in. I'll let you start it on a bottle, like a baby. Then you'll see what trouble a pig can be.”

28. This passage would most likely be found in a book of .

A. travel

B. history

C. nature

D. novel

29. The underline word “ax” in the passage means “________”.

A. something to keep the pig alive

B. something to help Fern save the pig

C. something to kill the little pig

D. something to stop Mr. Arable

30. Why did Fern say “it’s unfair” once more to his father?

A. Fern thinks it is a big trouble to raise a small pig like this.

B. Fern thinks nobody can choose to be strong or weak at birth.

C. If Fern had been small at birth, Mr. Arable would be sure to kill her.

D. If the pig was born small, Mr. Arable would go on raising it to be strong.


“The two nurses who put private locks on public-use bikes disturbed the public order,” said Liu Lin, a lawyer at Beijing Shuangli Law Firm, because it prevented other people from using the bikes.

Those who intentionally damage property(故意破坏财产) may face a 5-day administrative detention(行政拘留), according to the Law on Public Security Administration Punishments.

Tang Ke from the publicity office of OFO, the

company that owns the bikes, confirmed the news and

said further investigation(调查) was underway.

The market for public-use bikes, which are stored

along sidewalks and can be used through an app, has

developed in China since the middle of last year. The

new mode of transportation has brought a greener and

more convenient mode of city transportation, but the mode has also caused many problems including illegal(非法的) parking, theft and vandalism(故意破坏). Parking violations(违规) are

also a common problem, followed by violation of traffic rules.

“Once users scan the app and click 'accept' when they rent the bike, they have signed an agreement with the service provider and should follow the rules.” Liu said.

OFO has introduced a blacklist stopping users who break its rules.

Many cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen are preparing some laws to manage the market for public bikes. The Shenzhen traffic police department has also announced fines for the illegal parking of bikes.

31. Which of the following about two nurses is NOT true?

A. They put private locks on public bikes.

B. What they did disturbed the public order.

C. They faced a 5-day administrative detention.

D. What they did prevented others from using the bikes.

32. Using public bikes has caused many problems EXCEPT ___________.

A. renting through an app

B. stealing

C. breaking traffic rules

D. illegal parking

33. Why does OFO introduce a blacklist?

A. To allow someone to park the bike anywhere.

B. To stop someone in black from using the OFO bike.

C. To let people ride the OFO bike more safely during the night.

D. To stop someone who breaks its rules from using the OFO bike again.

34. In Shenzhen, if you park the public bikes in some wrong places, ___________.

A. you will be on the blacklist

B. you will be fined because of it

C. y ou can’t use public bikes any more

D. you will face a 5-day administrative detention

35. The best title of the passage might be __________.

A. The Service of Public Bikes

B. The Market for Public Bikes

C. The Importance of Public Bikes

D. The Problems in Using Public Bikes


Can dogs and cats live in peace in the same home? People who are thinking about keeping a dog as a friend for their cat are worried that they will fight. A recent study has found a new method to success. According to the study, if the cat is raised before the dog, and if they are introduced when still young (less than 6 months for cats, a year for dogs), it is highly possible that the two pets will get along peacefully.

However, it wasn’t all sweetness and light. There was a reported coldness between the cat and dog in 25% of the homes, while aggression(攻击) and fighting were noticed in 10% of the homes. One reason for this is probably that some of their body signals are just opposite. For example, when a cat turns its head away, it means aggression, while a dog doing the same means


In homes with cats and dogs living peacefully, researchers found some surprising behavior —they are learning how to talk each other’s language. It is a surprise that cats can learn how to talk “dog”, and dogs can learn how to talk “cat”.

What’s interesting is that bot h cats and dogs have appeared to develop their intelligence(智力). They can learn to read each other’s body signals, suggesting that the two may have more in common than what was thought before. Once familiar with each other’s presence and body language, cats and dogs can play together, greet each other nose to nose, and enjoy sleeping together on the sofa. They can easily share the same water bowl and in some cases have fun playing together.

The significance(意义) of this research on cats and dogs may go beyond pets—it may apply to people who don’t get along, includin g neighbours, workmates, and even world superpowers. If cats and dogs can learn to get along, surely people have a good chance.

36. In which condition is it possible that the two pets will get along peacefully in the same home?

A. The cat is adopted at 5 months and the dog is adopted at 1 year.

B. The dog is adopted at 5 months and the cat is adopted at 1 year.

C. The cat and the dog are adopted at the same time when they are 1 year old.

D. The cat is adopted one year after the dog is adopted by the same family.

37. Some cats and dogs may fight when _________.

A. they look away from each other

B. they are introduced at an early age

C. they don’t like each other and shout

D. they misunderstand each other’s signals

38. What is found surprising about cats and dogs?

A. They are able to eat and sleep together.

B. They learn to speak each other’s language.

C. They don’t fight with each other any longer.

D. They know something from each other’s voice.

39. It is suggested in Paragraph 4 that cats and dogs _________.

A. have many things in common

B. eat common food

C. have a common body language

D. have common interests

40. What is the significance of this research on cats and dogs?

A. More dogs and cats can learn to live together peacefully.

B. Cats can learn how to talk “dog”, and dogs can learn how to talk “cat”.

C. People who don’t get along can have a good chance to change themselves.

D. They can develop their intelligence and learn to read each other’s body signals.




41. Go ▲ (径直地) on until you see a large white building. The underground station is

right in it.

42. Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor has become the first woman to ▲ (服务) as chief executive of

China's Hong Kong Special Administrative Region(特别行政区).

43.Citizens lighted ▲ (蜡烛) at the entrance of the metro station in St Petersburg in

memory of the victims.

44. The ▲ (每周的) talk show Readers hosted by Dong Qing has become a nationwide


45. Yunnan provincial ▲ (政府) is cleaning up the local tourism industry in order to win

the tourists’ trust again.


46. We try to help people with problems, but they should learn to help ▲ (they) first.

47. —Do you think it is worth ▲ (connect) my watch to the Internet?

—I’m afraid it isn’t necessary to do so.

48. I thought it would stop raining this afternoon, but it seemed to be even ▲ (heavy).

49. Smog is certainly ▲ (harm) to people’s health. We can plant more trees and drive

fewer cars to reduce it.

50. Xi Jinping made his first visit to Finland at the ▲ (invite) of Finnish President Sauli

Niinisto as China's head of state.


a big success solve business problems in 25 languages

showed an interest in while

Born on 28 October, 1995, William (Bill) H. Gates grew up in Seattle with his two sisters. He 51 software and began programming computers at age 13. In 1973, Gates entered Harvard University. 52 at Harvard, Gates developed BASIC, a kind of programming language for the first microcomputer. He started his own company, Microsoft, in 1975 with one of his childhood friends. They began developing software for personal computers.

In 1999, Gates wrote Business@the Speed of Thought, a book that shows how computer technology can 53 in new ways. The book was published 54 and can be found in more than 60 countries. Business@the Speed of Thought was 55 and was listed on the best-seller of the New York Times, USA Today, the Wall Street Journal and https://www.360docs.net/doc/b315606762.html,. Gate’s another book, The Road Ahead, published in 1995, held the No.1 spot on the New York Times’ best-seller list for seven weeks.


A) 阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在文章后第56-65小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为56-65的相应位置上。


The hardest thing in the world is saying yes to the world. Do you say yes to the world? Most of us have a habit of going through our days saying no to the things we don’t like and yes to the

things we like, and yet, everything we face is our life. We won’t say yes to the things we do not like, because we are afraid that we will not remove them forever.

But in fact, it is only through accepting the existence(存在) of what’s not working for us that we can begin the process(过程) of change. When we say yes to the world, we begin to believe that whatever our situation is, we can work with it. We express belief in ourselves, and the world, and we also express a willingness to learn from whatever happens to us, rather than running and hiding when we don’t like what we see. Therefore, in one word, saying yes is really good for our life.

The question we might ask ourselves is what it will take to get to the point of saying yes. For some of us, it takes dealing with something we can’t run away from or refuse, and so we have no choice but to say yes. For others, they might make a decision to say yes to life no matter what happens to them. Saying yes to life might be difficult at first, and even painful at times, but if we continue to say yes to life, it will be far less difficult in the end. And we will find the joy of being in a positive(积极的) talk to the world with a very powerful word ‘yes’. We should accept everything life puts in front of us.

Title Talk to the World with a 56

Attitude towards life Most of us are 57to saying yes to what we like and saying no to what we don’t like.

The 58

of saying no

We are afraid that we can’t remove what we don’t like.

Advantages of saying yes We can begin to 59our thoughts.

We can work with our problem whatever it is.

We can believe in 60and our world.

We are 61to learn from whatever happens to us.

Situations of saying yes Some people have to say yes 62of saying no.

Other people might 63to say yes no matter what happens to them.

Conclusion For us all, it will be much 64to say yes to life if we keep doing so.

65in life should be accepted whether we like it or not.

B) 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为66-75的相应位置。

For thousands of years, poetry(诗歌) has been the favorite type of literature for many people in China. Chinese poetry is just l 66 the greatest treasure in our culture’s house.

There were many famous poets from di?erent periods of time in Chinese h 67 , and thousands of their poems are still read and appreciated today. To r 68 people of those classical Chinese poems and to promote cultural heritage(遗产), China

Central Television (CCTV) has produced a TV show – Chinese

Poetry Competition. B 69 of it, more and more people have

become interested in poems.

Wu Yishu, 16, who studies at the High School Afliated to

Fudan University in Shanghai, came out on t 70 . Once in

the game “Feihualing”, she recited lines from the Classic of

Poetry (诗经), the e 71 collection of poems in China: “In

July, the crickets are in the field; In August, they are in the yard; In S 72 they are at the door; In October, the crickets enter and crawl under our beds.”

“I r 73 admire her knowledge of poems,” said Huang Zijin, 16, a senior 2 student from Ningbo High School in Zhejiang province. “The first time I saw her w 74 traditional Han clothing on TV, I was very impressed by her classical looks. What’s more, she always seems so c 75 throughout the show, which is very unusual for her age.”

As the old saying goes: “One who is filled with knowledge always behaves with elegance.”

六、书面表达 (满分15分)

你在英国的笔友Tom 最近很苦恼,写信向你求助。请结合所给背景新闻,根据Tom 的来信,写一封回信帮助他。


1. 回信必须解决来信提及的全部问题,并结合新闻作适当发挥。

2. 语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范。

3. 词数80左右,信件的开头已为你写出,不计入总词数。

Dear Tom, It ’s a pity that British pupils were 3 years behind Chinese in Maths. I think __________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Best wishes

Lin Tao

Dear Lin Tao, I ’m so worried these days. Perhaps you ’ve known the news. Is Maths really so important? How can I learn Maths well? I have difficulty learning it. What should I do? Can you offer me some suggestions? Hope to hear from you soon. Yours Tom




1—5 ADDCC 6—10 BCBAC 11—15 BBBBC


16—20 DBDAA 21—25 BCAAC


26—30 DCDCB 31—35 CADBD 36—40 ADBAC



41. straight 42. serve 43. candles 44. weekly 45. government


46. themselves 47. connecting 48. heavier 49. harmful 50. invitation


51. showed an interest in 52. while 53. solve business problems

54. in 25 languages 55. a big success




56. Yes 57. used 58. reason/cause 59. change 60. ourselves

61. willing/ready 62. instead 63. decide 64. easier 65. Everything

B) 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为66-75


66. like 67. history 68. remind 69. Because 70. top

71. earliest 72. September 73. really 74. wear/wearing 75. calm/confident


One possible version:

Dear Tom,

It’s a pity that British pupils were 3 years behind Chinese in Maths. I think Maths is of great importance to us and we must try to study it well.

In fact, learning Maths well is not so difficult. First, listen to your teacher carefully and take notes in class. This is the most important for you. Then, you’d better do some exercises to practice sums in your spare time. Last, believe yourself. If you keep trying, nothing is impossible. Of course, you’ll face some difficulties. Don’t worry! Surely your teacher and classmates can give you a helping hand.

Follow these steps, you’ll love Maths and finally be good at it.

Best wishes

Lin Tao
