英语七册七模块测试题 一

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2。每天12 个小时

3.幸运的熊猫 4.喜爱竹子6。从。。。出来7.喜欢音乐8 另一条蛇

9 其他的蛇10。一个有趣的光盘



21. The clock is on the desk. Can you see ________?A. one B. it C. clock D. them( )22. Is this ________ watch?A. I B. my C. me D. mine( )23. --________ is it? --- Thirty yuan. A. How B. How many C. How much D. How old( )24. Happy birthday _______ you. This apple is ________ you. A. to, to B. for, to C. to, for D. for, for( )25. --________ is Jim? -- He’s fine. A. How old B. How C. What D. Who( )26. We ________ English.A. are speak B. speak C. listen D. are listen( )27. My shoes ________ blue, How about yours?A. is B. are C. am D. not( )28. He will buy a book _________ me.A. for B. in C. to D.with( )29. Jim and ________ are in the same class. A. me B. I C. my D. mine( )30. It’s time ________ have dinner.A. on B. to C. \ D. for( )31. The car is coming. Don’t _________ in the street.A. play football B. play with fire C. sing songs D. talk loudly( )32. Is your father a doctor _________ a farmer?A. and B. but C. or D. for( )33. My father ________ to buy a tie (领带) last year.A. wants B. wanted C. want D. wanting( N )34. You can get ________ at the third stop.A. off B. on C. in D. of( )35. He likes ______ stamps.A. collect B. collects C. collecting D. collected ( )36. Your answer is very good. _________, please. A. Stand up B. Sit C. Stand D. Sit down( )37. He ________ watch TV this evening. A. will B. would C. are going to D. am going to( N )38. I am ________. A. first B. the first one C. one first D. one( )39. There ____ some orange juice and some ________ on the table. A. have, oranges B. are, oranges C. is, oranges D. has, orange( )40. January ________ the first month of a year.A. will be B. are C. can be D. is

三.用所给的单词适当形式填空。 1 .Look! The dog is ________(sing ) and the cat is ________(listen ). 2.He doesn’t _________(believe )it. 3.The boy sleeps for 10 _____(hour) a day. 4.It ______(say) “Don’t talk” 5.He can _____(write)in English. 6.It _____(copy) the other snake. 四.按要求写出单词的各种形式。1.See(同音词) 2。Says(划线音标) 3.Sun(同音词) 4。Children(单数) 5.d on’t 完整形式

6.(hour )形容词8。come 现在分词9.in 反词10。单11.they 宾格12。like 同义词

五. 1 .Snakes___________________________(_ 喜欢阳光). 2.Pandas___________________________________(每天吃12 小时)

3._________ (据说)snakes can’t hear.

4.It’s___________________________(一个很了不起的礼物) 5.We can ____________________________ (从。。。。。。中吸取教训)that thing. 六.用and .but..or 填空。1.I want a computer game,_____it’s too expensive. 2. I think it’s an apple,______it’s a pear. 3.Has she got s cold_____a fever? Oh,he’s got a fever. 4.I go home,____I watch TV. 5.I like eating a hamburger_____I like drinking some. 6.A:Which do you like ?B;noodles_____bread. 7.I want to go to she library _______it is closed. 8.I can play the flute ______I can’t play the violin.


1. eat pandas for a hours twelve day

2.snake the flute another the thinks is snake

3.Daming a Chinese has kite got we and it in fly the park

4. you have a about got book a America


5.I write you can to


6. we have meal a always special

八.作文。以My favourite animal 为题。描写一种你喜欢的动物。要求:1。书写认真,单词标号。语法无错误。2.不少于60 个单词。
