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eggs 3 hams 4 eggplants 5 green peppers.

Dad returned half an hour later. He opened a large grocery bag and started to count “one orange, two eggs, three hams, four eggplants, and five green peppers”. Mom and I laughed till we cried!



(一)According to the material content of judgment (the correct sentences with "T", the error is indicated by "F")

1.Ben’s mother is a career woman. ( )

2.Ben’s father didn’t want to go shopping for his wife when she was ill. ( )

3.Ben’s father didn’t do any housework. ( )

4.Bob’s mother is a career woman, so she doesn’t do any housework. ( )

5.Bob’s mother had a small accident after her daily run. ( )

(二)Complete the summary of Ben’s story.

gave him a shopping laughed till they cried was ill started to count volunteered to go shopping

Last Sunday afternoon, Ben’s mother ______. His father ________________ _________, and his mother ________________________: 1 orange 2 eggs 3 hams 4 eggplants 5 green peppers. His father returned with a big bag and _______________. In the bag there were one orange, two eggs, three hams, four eggplants, and five green peppers. Ben and his mom ____________________.

三、Use the perfect tense fill in the blanks(20 分)

1. A: Do you know where Julia is?

B: Yes, I ____________________ her (just / meet).

2. A: What time is David leaving?

B: He ____________________ (already / leave).

3. A: What’s in the newspaper today?

B: I don’t know. I ____________________ (not / read it / yet).

4. A: Is Ann coming to the cinema with us?

B: No, she ____________________ the film (already / see).

5. A: What does Tim think about your plan?

B: He ________________________ (not / talk about it / yet).

6. I/graduate/vocational school


7. My father/start/a new job


8. My brother/have/10 job interviews


9. My sister/change/her job


10. My mother/become/manager of a big company


四、The correct form of the verb used to fill in the blanks (30分) Complete Anna ’s e-mail to a friend. I am doing great now! I __________ (make) some new

friends here, Larry, Lily and Jane. Last weekend we ______ (take) a bus to a park in the early morning and ______ (do)

many interesting things. First we ______ (take) a long walk. Then we ______ (go)

back to our picnic table for some fruit. After that Larry ______ (draw) some

pictures, Lily _______ (listen) to music and Jane________ (lie) on the grass for

a good rest and I ________ (read) a novel. Till now, I ____________ (finish)three

novels. In the afternoon we __________ (take) the subway and __________ (go)

to see a musical (音乐剧) on Broadway. I __________ (see) four shows since I

came to New York. In the evening, we __________ (climb) to the top of the

Empire State Building and __________ (see) the whole city in the beautiful

evening lights. I have never seen such a view before. I wish you were here!

I ’ll talk to you later.


