whose, who引导的定语从句,分裂句的用法

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Unit 17

Teaching Aims:

1. LSP: The relative clause introduced by whose, whom;cleft sentence (用whose, who引导的定语从句;分裂句的用法)

2. Dialogue Ⅰ&Ⅱ: some conversational strategies in talking about pyramids in Egypt and expressing certainty and uncertainty.(谈论埃及金字塔和表达确定和不确定问题的会话技巧) 3.ReadingⅠ&Ⅱ: some comments in the passage structure and get the main idea of each paragraph(对文章结构的评述以及各段大意)

Language Structure

Warming-up questions:

1.Who was the famous English writer whose plays have been translated into many languages,

such as Hamlet? (William Shakespeare)

2.Who was the popular singer whose songs you are interested in?

3.Who was the famous actress whose films you like best?

4. Is there any roommate whom you find it difficult to live with?

5. What is the most place you have ever been to?

6. What is the best film you have ever seen?

7.What is the most interesting book you have ever read?

8.What is the most beautiful song you have ever heard?

Main Teaching Points:

☆1. The relative clause introduced by whose

☆2. The relative clause introduced by who(m) (as the object of a preposition)

☆3. The cleft sentence with attention focused on various sentence elements

☆4. The relative clause preceded by a noun which is modified by a superlative

Ⅱ. 关系限定词whose引导关系从句

Whose 引导定语从句,表示所属关系,既可指人,也可用于指具体事物或抽象事物,如:

1. Is he the boy whose sister is a university student?

2. William Shakespeare was the famous English writer whose plays have been translated into

many languages.

3. The river whose banks are covered with trees.

Ⅲ. 关系代词whom 引导的定语从句作介词的宾语。在口语中whom通常可以省略。例如:

1. I know the person whom you spoke to just now.

2. They are your parents whom you should be devoted to.

3. He is a naughty boy whom I will have to look after during this holiday.

Ⅳ. 强调句的疑问形式(cleft sentence)

强调句采取it + be的一定形式+被强调部分+that/who分句,所强调部分多为代词,名词,形容词,状语等,其连接词通常是that或who,而不用when 或where。例如:

1. Was it last summer that he graduated from the university?

2. Was it at an evening party that you first saw her?

3. Was it Susan that the teacher asked to see?

Ⅴ. that 引导关系从句其作为先行词的名词被形容词最高级修饰

that 引导关系从句中,其作为先行词的名词被形容词最高级修饰。其关系代词that既可指人也可指物,例如:

1. He is the most excellent student I have ever met.

2. This is the most delicious food I have ever tasted.

3. Gone with the wind is the most interesting book I have ever read.

Tips for LSPⅠ

LSPⅠis about identifying two people doing the same thing.

Ⅰ. Listening to the dialogue and fill in the blanks.

Ⅱ. Language points.

1. CAAC---Civil Aviation Administration of China (中国民用航空总局)

2. Cassette recorder: ph. 录音带录音机

3. It’s me.—Grammatically, this sentence ought to be “It’s I”, since I is the subject

complement. But in colloquial English, people always say “It’s me”

Ⅲ. Variations based on the given cues


A: I find there’s a member of our class whose father teaches English in the middle school. Do you know who it is?

B: It’s me. My father teaches English in the middle school.

A: Really? But there is someone else whose father teaches English in the middle school, too.

Do you know?

B: Oh, it must be Qin.

Tips for LSPⅡ

Tips for LSPⅡis about identifying people who are related to somebody in one way or another.Ⅰ. Listening to the dialogue and fill in the blanks.

Ⅱ. Language points

1. editor-in- chief: 总编,主编

2. the other day: 不久前某一天,通常与过去时连用。

e.g. I saw David at the bank the other day. 几天前我在银行见过戴维。

3. share: vt.分享;分担;共有;共同使用[(+with/among/between)]

e.g. Sam and I share a room. 山姆和我合住一间房间。

He shared his book with me yesterday. 昨天他把他的书和我共用。

Ⅲ. Variations based on the given cues


A: You received a letter yesterday, isn’t it?

B: Yes, I did.
