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我有三个女儿。一个是护士,一个是教师,另外一个是工人。 He has two daughters. One is a nurse, the other is a worker. 他有两个女儿,一个是护士,另一个是工人。
Answer the following questions.
Where is the village? Where is the boy? Are the children coming
water(v.) the flowers 给花浇水
★swim v. 游泳 go swimming 去游泳 swimming pool 游泳池
building 大楼,建筑物
build-built(过去式) build a house
★park n. 公园
你知道park还有什么其他的 意思吗?
It’s between you and me. 不要让其他人知道。
among 在…之间(三者或三者 以上的之间)
★hill n. 小山 mountain:大山,高山
Mount Fuji 富士山
名山,专有名词 Mount Tai
wife:妻子,老婆 复数wives
one…the other…“两者之间另一个”
There are two books on the desk, one is new, the other is old. There are two bottles. One is full, the other is empty.
I have three daughters. One is a nurse, one is a teacher and another is a worker.
out of the park or going into it?
两山夹一谷,谷中一村落。 我

村落河上建,河水流潺潺。 的

夫妻左岸走,男孩游上岸。 庄
1.This is a photograph of our village. 这是我们村庄的一张照片。 a photograph of our village是一个名词所有格的形式,of介词是用来构成所 有格的。 a photograph of my family 全家福
into(强调过程) in在...里面(强调状态)
走进一个房子 walk into a house 跳进珠江 jump into the Pearl River
★ another另一个,再一个
another+单数名词 Give me another glass. Give me another piece of cake. ➢ This shirt is too long. Please give me another.
village 村庄
villager 村民
valley 山谷
Our village is in a valley.
in the middle[`midl] of
on the left n.左边
on the right n.右边
You can choose between your mother and your father.
新概念英语第一册第35-36课课 件
sky sun
cloud clouds aeroplane walk
shine family
boats ship
Lesson 35 Our village
Warm up
Ask & Answer
1. Where are you from? 2. Do you miss your hometown?
bank:银行; the banks of the river 河岸
Why is the river so rich? Because it has two banks.
★water n. 水(不可数名词)
There is some water on the table.
husband: 丈夫老公 couple: 夫妻,一对
★ along 沿着(河流,大街,墙壁等)
沿着大街走 walk along the street 沿着珠江跑 run along the Pearl River along-across 横穿(表面)
例:the legs of the chair 椅子的腿 the banks of the river.河的两岸
2.The village is on a river. 村庄靠近一条小河。 本句的“on”不是“在…上”的意思,而是“临近”,“靠近”的意思。 3.Here is another photograph of the village.这是我们村庄的另一张照片。 1)Here is = this is 这是,就近原则‘
4.My wife and I are walking along the banks of the river.我和妻 子正沿河岸走。 本句的主语“My wife and I”翻译成中文时要调整为“我和妻 子”。 代词顺序口诀:代词并列有顺序,单数并列231,复数并列123, 若把错误责任担,第一人称最先当;时时注意比身份,人物总 在动物前;单数男女同时到,男士反而要优先。
5.We are on the left.我们在左边。 on the left 是固定搭配。 表示在左边,在右边都只能用介词on。 On the left, there is an old chair.左边有一把 旧椅子。
city? countryside? town? village?
★photograph n. 照片 photo (非正式) 复数photos picture 照片(美)
take a photograph/ picture/photo 拍照
photographer 摄影师
take a photo 照张相 我可以给它照张相吗? Can I take a photo of it? 不准照相 No photos.