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《外贸函电》2016 学年度第1 学期期末(A)卷



1. We would like our reference your sending us the latest catalogue, in which

we are interested.

A. to

B. for

C. as

D. into

2. We are pleased to your credit based on our negotiations.

A. extend

B. prolong

C. expand

D. lengthen

3. After booking the steamer, the buyer should give promptly the to the seller.

A. shipping advice

B. shipping instruction

C. shipping guide

D. shipping order

4. Unless otherwise , we are going to insure All Risks and War Risk for the

invoice value plus 10%.

A. instructed

B. instructions

C. instructing

D. instruction

5. We regret having to remind you that 30% of the freight is still .

A. paid

B. owned

C. standing

D. outstanding

6. We your shipping instruction by cable.

A. wait

B. await

1 / 5

C. wait to

D. await for

7. As agreed upon in the contract, payment is L/C.

A. made by

B. to be made by

C. to make by

D. making by

8. As soon as the are available, we will contact you.

A. product

B. cargo

C. cargoes

D. commodity

9. We very much regret to state that we can't you in this respect.

A. accumulate

B. accommodate

C. appreciate

D. populate

10. This is a question, which I will have to refer to our covering department.

A. technology

B. technical

C. science

D. scientific

11. Marketing is , we have received numbers of orders.

A. weak

B. going

C. declining

D. advancing

12. There is no direct steamer from here to your port, so we suggest that you transshipment at Singapore.

A. can accept

B. accept

C. may accept

D. must accept th.

your Order No. 216 of January 10 13. We have been

A. in receipt of

B. on receipt of

C. in reception of

D. on reception of

14. As we can wait no longer for the delivery of your order, we have to


A. postpone

B. refuse

C. delay

D. cancel

15. Please let us know by fax the relative L/C is opened.

A. before

B. unless

2 / 5

C. until

D. as soon as

16. Please amend the L/C to read “This L/C on March 10th, 2009, in China”.

A. due to time

B. valid

C. expires

D. due

17. A container holds 10 sets of TV; the whole cargo would therefore comprise 10 containers 2 tons.

A. each to weigh

B. each weighs

C. and each weighing

D. each weighing

18. The goods under Contract No. 1234 left here .
