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03B estFr i end

I'm Peppa Pi g.Thi s i s m y I i t t l e br ot her, G eor ge.Thi s i s M um m y Pi g.A nd t hi s i s D addy Pi g.

Peppa Pi g.

B es tF ri end

Peppa i s W ai t i ng f or her best f r i end, Suzy Sheep.

H el l o,Suzy!

B aaaa!H el l o,Peppa.

Suzy Sheep has com e t o pl ay w i t h Peppa.

Peppa l oves Suzy.Suzy l oves Peppa. They ar e bestf r i ends.

Peppa,W hy don'tyou and Suzy go and pl ay i n yourbedr oom?

Y es,M um m y!

G eor ge w ant s t o pl ay,t oo.

Peppa and Suzy l ove pl ayi ng i n Peppa's bedr oom.

So does G eor ge.

Peppa listens to George's chest. Now, George, take a big breath in... then cough.

Mm, I think your heart's a bit loose...

I'll put a plaster on it.

Baa! Open wide, please.

Suzy takes George's temperature. Oh, dear, you're very, very hot.

I think you have to stay in bed for three years.

Daddy Pig has come to find George. Oh, no! What's wrong with George? Don't worry, Daddy.

It's only a game.

George is our patient.

Oh, I see.

Can the patient have a visitor?

Just for a little while.

He might get tired.


Yes, they're for George.

They're his medicine to make him feel


Um, excuse me, doctor,

Can you help me?

I have a sore tummy.

That tickles!

I can hear it rumbling.

I think you're hungry, Daddy.

Then I think I need lots of cookies to make me better.

And me!

And me!

And me! Baa
