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一、情景反应根据你所听到的句子,选出最恰当的答语.每个句子读两遍。(5分)( )1. A. It’s on May 1st. B. It’s on October 1st. C. It’s on September 10th. ( )2. A. It’s a fine day. B. It’s Monday. C. It’s May 10th..

( )3. A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, I could. C. No, I can’t.

( )4. A. Yes, I can. B. No, I can’t. C. I can sing songs.

( )5. A. Don’t say that. B. You’re smart, too. C. Thank you.


( )1. Where was Lucy born?

A. In Hubei.

B. In Shandong.

C. In Shanghai.

( ) 2. When was Tom born?

A. In September.

B. In November.

C. In December.

( ) 3. What’s the date tomorrow?

A. It’s April 30th.

B. It’s May 1st.

C. It’s April 31st.

( ) 4. Was the cloud like a horse or a dog?

A. Yes, it was.

B. A dog.

C. A horse.

( ) 5.How are they planning to celebrate Jim’s birthday?

A. To make a birthday cake.

B. To buy a special present.

C. To have a big dinner.



( )1. What was the matter with Lily yesterday afternoon?

A. She hurt her left leg.

B. She fell down.

C. She hurt her right hand. ( )2. What did Lucy do at Jim’s birthday party?

A. She danced.

B. She played the guitar.

C. She sang an English song. ( )3. What time did Lucy come back home last night?

A. At about 10:00.

B. At about 10:15.

C. At about 10:45.


( )4. How old is Jack?

A. He is 30.

B. He is 13.

C. He is 14.

( )5. Where was Dave last night?

A. At Jack’s home.

B. At school.

C. In the restaurant.


( )1. What do Mary and Rose often do?

A. Play ping-pong.

B. Fly kites.

C. A and B.

( )2. Where do Mary and Rose often fly kites?

A. Near the river.

B. In the gym.

C. In the park.

( )3. When Mary was eight, she .

A. couldn’t play ping-pong

B. could perform ballet

C. couldn’t perform ballet

( )4. Who teaches Rose to perform ballet?.

A. Mary.

B. Her mother.

C. Her teacher.

( )5. Rose learns to perform ballet very hard because .

A. she wants to perform it in class

B. she likes it very much

C. she wants to make her mother happy



( )1. The day of a week is Monday.

A. first

B. second

C. one

D. two

( )2. The month of a year is August.

A. eight

B. eighth

C. eightth

D. nineth

( )3. –When is your father’s birthday?- It’s July.

A. /

B. on

C. in

D. at

( )4.- is your classroom?-It’s five meters wide.

A. How long

B. How wide

C. How far

D. How often

( )5. - the star like a flower just now? –No, it wasn’t.

A. Did

B. Is

C. Was

D. Were

( )6. –I can play the piano.- .

A. I, too

B. Me, too

C. I can

D. I, can

( )7. –Would you like to come to my birthday party?- Yes, .

A. I would

B. I wouldn’t

C. I would love to

D. I would love

( )8. Jim play basketball very well now, but he do it two years ago.

A. could, can

B. can, couldn’t

C. can, could

D. Couldn't, can

( )9. – Can you speak English?- Yes, but my English is poor. I can speak only .

A. little

B. a little

C. few

D. a few

( )10. –Do you like yellow blue?- Yellow.

A. or

B. and

C. with

D. /

( )11. –Who recited the poem to the class?- Wu Bo .

A. does

B. do

C. did

D. doing

( )12. I my grandparents last Sunday.

A. not visit

B. didn’t visit

C. don’t visit

D. didn’t visited

( )13. Most of the young people enjoy this song.

A. to sing

B. sang

C. singing

D. sings

( )14. Jane’s mother made the skirt for her.

A. in hand

B. by hand

C. with hand

D. on hand

( )15. –When your brother back?- About an hour ago.

A. did, come

B. had, come

C. do, come

D. did, came


Today is 1 birthday in China. Many friends come to his home. He thanks them for 2 . They bring a lot of presents for him. Yingying’s mother cooks 3 Chinese food for them. Jim is very happy. In America, Jim often 4 chicken, fish and bread. But now, 5
