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1. ()A. When B. What C. Where D. Then

2. ()A. Spring B. Summer C. Season D. Winter

3. ()A. October B. Date C. April D. March

4. ()A. First B. Second C. Three D. Fifth


Do morning exercise ______________ Eat dinner _______________

Make a snow man_____________ Visit grandparents_____________

Fly kites_________________ 上英语课_____________________

弹钢琴___________________ 好主意________________________

去远足___________________ 起床_________________________


( )1.He _________ hiking. I go hiking, _________ .

A. go…too

B. goes…either

C. goes…too

( )2.Let’s _________ a birthday card for our mother.

A. make

B. making

C. makes

( )3. ¬¬¬_________ birthday is in October?

A. Who

B. Whose

C. Who’s

( )4.Which _________ do you like best?

A. season

B. seasons

C. a season

( )5.My mother is a teacher.

She goes to school __7:00__ the morning.

A. at…on

B. at…at

C. at…in

( )6.The _________ are green in spring.

A. leafs

B. leaves

C. leaf

( )7. _________ is the ninth month of a year.

A. September

B. August

C. October

( )8.I like winter. I can _________ snow.

A. play with

B. play on

C. playing in

( ) 9.Winter is beautiful, but it’s _______ cold _______ me.

A. to…for

B. too…for

C. too…to

( ) 10. _________ birthday is in October?

A. Who

B. Whose

C. Who’s


()1.What’s the weather like in fall? A. Yes, I do.

()2.D o y ou us ually go s hopping? B. I t’s Monday.

()3.Wha t day is it today? C. My birthday is in May.

()4. .Let’s g o to clim b m ountains. D. G reat!

()5.Whe n is y our birthday? E. It’s w indy a nd c ool.


1. April ,who ,birthday ,has ,in ,a ( ? )

2. at 7:30 ,I ,often ,play ,football ( . )

3. on ,the ,weekend ,What ,do ,you ,do ( ?)

4. like ,Why ,you ,do ,winter ( ?)

5. go ,together ,Let’s ,Sunday ,next hiking ( .) 六.情景交际。


A.It’s on spring time.

B.It’s spring time already.

C.It’s winter time already. 2. 当你询问别人最喜欢的季节时,应说:

A.Which season do you like best?

B.Which season do you favourite?

C.What you favourite season?

3.Zoom 拿着时间表说“这是我的周末时间表。”怎样说:

A.This is my timetable. B.This is my weekend timetable.

C.This is my time.


A.Can you help me? B.May I help you?

C.Can I ask you some questions, please?


A. What do you do?

B. What do you do on Sunday?

C. What your job?


A.I like winter. B.I like winter best. C.I don’t like winter.


A.No, I am. B.No, I am not. C.No, it isn’t.


A. What do you do?

B. What are you do?

C. What are you doing?


A. Is your birthday in February?

B. Is you birthday in February?

C.Is your birthday on February?


A.I can play with snow in winter.

B.I can play with snow in summer.

C.I can play snow in winter.


Amy: When do you get up?

Mike: I get up at six forty. I get up early because I have breakfast at home.

Amy: What about weekends?

Mike: Oh, I get up at eight .

Amy: What do you do on the weekends?

Mike: Usually I watch TV and do my homework. Sometimes I go hiking. What about you?

Amy: Me too. And I often read books, too.

Mike: Tomorrow is Children’s Day. Let’s go hiking together .

Amy: Great !

( )1. What’s the date today?

A. It’s Jan. 1st .

B. It’s May. 31st .

( )2. Amy often ________on the weekends .

A. watchTV and do her homework. B:watches TV and does her homework

( )3. Does Mike usually get up at 6:30?

A. Yes, he does .

B. No ,he doesn’t .

( )4. Mike has breakfast at ________ on Mondays .

A. school

B. home

( )5. Does Mike read books on the weekends ? A. Yes ,he does. B. No , he doesn’t .

八、根据答语,写问句. (10分)

1. A: __________________________ ? B:Yes, I am reading books .

2. A: _________________________ ? B: I often play football on weekends .

3. A: _________________________ ? B: We have English class at 8:30.

4. A: ?B: My favourite fruit is apples.

5. A: _________________________? B: Because I can fly kites in spring .

