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have:用于主语为I, you和所有人称复数

has:用于主语为第三人称单数[he, she,it, (Maria人名)]


1.She has along ruler and a short pencil.

2.I have two sisters and one brother.

3.This is mysister. She has big eyes.

4.We have threetoys cars and two toy buses.

5.Tom has a small nose and a wide mouth.

6.My Englishteacher has longhair.

7.Peter andMary have roundfaces.

8.I have an apple. My sister has anapple,too.

9.Lucy has short hair.

10.You have a long pencil. I have a short pencil.



▶动词have表示“有”,肯定句中主语后;“三单”主语用has,其他人称用have;▶一般疑问句容易变,does, do放句首;特殊疑问句怎么办,疑问词打前头;

▶问句have用原形,这点一定要记清;否定句也不难,doesn’t, don’t 后添have.

肯定句I have… We/You/They have… He/She/It has…

否定句I do not hav


I don’t have

We/You/They do not h


We/You/They don’t ha


He/She/It does not hav


He/She/It doesn’t have…

一般疑问句及答语Do you hav


Yes, I do.

No, I don’ t.

Do you/they have…?

Yes, we/they do.

No, we/they don’t.

Does he/she/it have…?

Yes. he/she/it does.

No. he/she/it doesn’t.

(1)关于have 的否定句,一般疑问句及其回答

have的否定句在do后面加not。have的一般疑问句是在句首加上助动词”do” ,注意大小写的转换,其他的不变。(句中的“I”变为”you” ) 。

注意: “d o” 是助动词,无词义。“do” 是加上去的,不是原来句子里面的。

a. I have a round face .(陈述句)

I do not(don’t)have a round face.(否定句)

Do you have a round face ? (一般疑问句)

Yes, I do. / No, I do not (don’t). (回答)

b.They have long hair and big eyes . (陈述句)

They do not (don’t)have long hair and big eyes . (否定句)

Do they have long hair and big eyes ? (一般疑问句)

Yes, they do. / No, they do not(don’t). (回答)

c. We have wide mouths and big noses . (陈述句)

We do not(don’t)have wide mouths and big noses . (否定句)

Do you have mouths and big noses ? (变一般疑问句)

Yes, we do. / No, we do not(don’t). (回答)


a. He has a round face. (陈述句)

He does not(doesn’t)have (V原) a roundface.(否定句)

Does he have (V原) a round face ? (一般疑问句)

Yes, he does. / No, he does not (don’t). (回答)

b. She has long hair and big eyes .(陈述句)

She does not(doesn’t)have (V原)long hair and big eyes.(否定句) Does she have(V原) long hair and big eyes ? (一般疑问句)

Yes, she does. / No, she does not(don’t). (回答)

c. Jane has a wide mouth and a big nose . (陈述句)

Jane does not(doesn’t)have (V原) a wide mouth and a big nose .(否定句)

Does Jane have (V原) a wide mouth and a big nose ? (一般疑问句)

Yes, she does. / No, she does not(don’t). (回答)

三. 将下列句子变为否定句,一般疑问句并做回答。

1. Maria andMeimei have long hair and big eyes .

Do Maria andMeimei have long hair and big eyes ?

2. Li Lei has big eyes .

Does Li Lei have big eyes ?

3. She has long hair .

Does she have long hair?

4. I have asmall nose .

Do you have a smallnose ?

5. They havebig ears and small mouths .

Do they have bigears and small mouths ?
