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(1)()A. ball B. bike

(2)()A. car B. cat

(3)()A. dog B. doll

(4)()A. fat B. frog

(5)()A. girl B. green

(6)()A. king B. queen

(7)()A. monkey B. mouse

(8)()A. red B. robot

(9)()A. six B. sun

(10)()A. teacher B. ten





① -What’s your name - ( )

A. He is a postman.

B. My name is Robert.

C. She is Flora.

②Is a pig ( )

A. he

B. she

C. it

③-Is it a monkey - , it is a dog. ( )

A. Yes, it is

B. No, it isn’t

C. No, he is

④ -Where is my T-shirt - ( )

A. Your T-shirt is on the table.

B. Hello!

C. Here you are.

⑤–What colour is your pen - ( )

A. Her pencil is blue.

B. My pen is green.

C. I’m nine.五.画一画,涂一涂色。

1 2.

yellow kite red umbrella green insect

4. 5. 6.

a blue and a red and a green and

green fish blue hat red table 六.给单词分组。

a train

an apple

七.用He’s, She’s, It’s 填空。

a teacher. a policeman. a dancer. a dog.

a nurse. a doctor. a pig. a postman.

a cat. a policewoman.


1.Flora tall Is

2. short Is Robert

Is Mum

Is Dan

5. fat Is Kim



①The robot is in the car.

②Here you are.

③My dad is a doctor.

④His brother is fat.

⑤You aren’t two, you are ten. @
