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hungry full fat thin tall hort clean dirty strong weak happy sad quick slow old young ugly thirsty tired beautiful old interesting good\well many\much little far bad\ill easy happy early


1.The Great Wall is ________(long) in the world.

2._________(tall) man in China is 2.36 metres tall.

3.The blue dress is _______________(beautiful) of the three.

4.Who is _____________(happy) boy in my class.

5.Which is ____________(quick) ,the rabbit,the tiger, or the elephant?

6.Who is _____________(young), Lucy ,Lily or Sam?

7.Our house is ____________(good) in our village.

8._________(high) mountain is the Mount Everest.

9.I have __________(many) apples of the five.

10.This book is _______________(interesting) in the library.

11.Which animal is ____________(tall) the tiger,the elephant or the giraffe?

12.Lily is __________(short) girl in her class.

13.Teddy is ____________(happy) of the three.

14.Changjiang is ___________ (long) river in China.

15.Y ao Ming is ______________(tall) bascketball player in China.

16.Who is the ____________(thin) girl in your class


(big)_______________________________of the three .



