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Once an Arab was traveling in the desert. When the sun went down in the west, he stopped and 1 his tent then, made a fire and have

a 2 meal. When night fell, he 3 down to sleep.

He had 4 fallen asleep when he felt a

soft 5 on his elbow(手肘). He woke up to find that his camel had put his head inside the tent. The camel said: “Would you please let me keep my head in the tent to get warm? It is so cold outside. I will not take up too

much 6 .”

The Arab was a 7 man, “All right, do as

you 8 .” he said. Then he turned on his 9 and went back to sleep.

It wasn’t long 10 he felt a push on his shoulder. It was the camel again. “Dear master,” the camel said, “my head is quite warm now, but my neck is still cold. Do you mind 11 I keep it inside the tent, too?”

“ 12 .” the man said. But this time he felt a

bit 13 , as camel had such a long neck.

No sooner had he shut his eyes 14 he got a harder push in his side. This time the camel said, “will you please allow me to bring my front legs inside and warm then a little?”

The Arab 15 over to one side of the tent. He

made 16 as small as he could. It was

not 17 comfortable, and sleep was now out of 18 .Soon after that the camel gave his a rough push and said, “The tent is too small for the two of us. 19 , my two hind legs are still left in the cold. It is only 20 that you should leave the tent wholly to me.” And with that, the camel kicked the poor man out.

1.A.built B.made C.put up D.set

2.A.simple B.rich C.excellent D.ordinary

id y C.lied D.went

4.A.seldom B.not C.almost D.hardly

5.A.touch B.beat C.kick D.bite

6.A.place B.tent C.room D.blanket

7.A.hard-hearted B.kind-hearted C.absent-mined D.careless

8.A.please B.willing C.are like D.want

9.A.light B.head C.arm D.side

10.A.after B.before C.since D.then

11.A.whether B.as C.that D.if

12.A.Yes, of course B.No, not at all C.Don't. please D.No, you can.

13.A.crowded fortable C.warmer D.narrower

14.A.than B.then C.when D.after

15.A.went B.walked C.climbed D.moved

16.A.the tent. B.himself C.room D.ground

17.A.very B.much C.a lot D.a little

18.A.question B.the question C.quite possible D.possibility

19.A.Except B.Besides C.After all D.But

20.A.unfair B.wrong C.reasonable D.right

2、阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

One evening, long after most people had gone to bed, one of my friends and I 1 home happily through the 2 street. We had been to a musical concert and 3 about the people we had seen and heard in it.

“The show 4 him a star overnight,said my friend about one of them." He was completely 5 before.And now thousands of people 6 him gifts and letters.” “I thought him quite good,” I said, but not 7 thousands of letters.As a matter of 8 ,one of
