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一.人物简介的写作步骤.(process of writing)

1.Birthday, birth place and family background. (概况)

..was born in (some place) on (the date)…

…,(who was) born in…, is a….

the son\daughter of a poor\rich family.

Eg:1.Abraham Lincon, the son of a poor family, was born in Kentucky on February 12,1809.

2.Born in Maryland, USA in 1985,Michael Phelps is a famous swimmer.

2. Appearance , Character.(外表,性格)

good-looking, ugly-looking, ordinary-looking

near-sighted, slim, fat, strong, neatly dressed 衣着干净整洁….

kind-hearted, warm-hearted, smart, diligent\lazy,

honest, confident, independent, patient, optimistic,


be willing to help others….

E.g. My Chinese teacher is a beautiful woman, with long hair and big eyes.


3. Education background.

be admitted to….university (考取…大学)

graduate from…department of…university


gain scholarship 获得奖学金

get good grades获得好成绩

get\receive a doctor’s degree 获取博士学位

When at college, he majored in history (读大学时他主修历史)

4.Big ev ents in one’s life (in order of time)

work as …. 从事…工作

break the world record of…

be elected to….

be given the title of... 获得……称号

gain/win the first prize/place 获得一等奖/第一名

E.g. 1.in his life, he got many honours, one of which is the 2008 CCTV Moving China Award .

2.In 2006, having broken the world record and got the gold medal, LiuXiang became the idol of the youth.

5.Evaluation (评价)

think highly of…

set a good example to…

famous\well known at home and abroad

make great contributions to….


Jack set a good example to us,

so all the people think highly of him.



1.be born in a poor family出生贫穷家庭

2. attend school 上学

3.at the age of 在……岁时

4.during his childhood在他童年时

5.sense of humour幽默感

6. be always ready to总是乐于

7. modest and honest谦虚诚实

8. be regarded as被认为是

9. have a gift for在……方面有天赋

10. work hard at致力于

11. devote one’s life to致力于

12. graduate from 从……毕业

13. take an active part in积极参加

14. open-minded and optimistic乐观开朗

15. be admitted to被……录取; 考入

16. go abroad for further studies出国深造

17. be honored for因……而受到尊敬

18. dream of being a writer梦想成为作家

19.make contributions to对……做出贡献

20.have a strong interest in对……有浓厚兴趣


1. _________ he was a boy, he _________________________________. 他小时候就对数学非常感兴趣。

2. _________________________ in 1812, Charles Dickens was able to attend school for only two years owing to his poor family.

查尔斯·狄更斯于1812年出生在一个小镇, 由于家里穷,只上了两年的学。

3. As a teacher, she is ____ __, ________and ________, so all of us like her.

作为一名教师, 她善良、助人而有耐心, 因此我们都喜欢她。

4. Wang Ping, ______________________________, loves reading books.

王萍, 来自高三三班的一个十八岁女孩, 热爱读书。

5. She________________________ help her fellow classmates improve their reading.


6. She ______________________ scientific research and __________________________ her country.

她为科研献出了一切, 对国家作出了巨大贡献。

7. He __________________________________ one of the greatest scientists in China.


8. She ______________________ the Nobel prize_____ Chemistry_______ her scientific achievement.

