2014年高考真题精校精析纯word可编辑·2014高考真题解析 英语湖北卷

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例:To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their ________ and weaknesses.

A.strengths B.benefits

C.techniques D.values


21.[2014·湖北卷] Her ________ for writing was a desire for women to get the right to higher education.

A. motivation

B. qualification

C. talent

D. technique

21. A考查名词的含义。motivation 动机;qualification 资格;talent天分,天赋;technique 技巧,技术。句意:她写作的动力是为了一个愿望,即让女性得到更高等教育的权利。

22. [2014·湖北卷] When Richard said, “You are much more agreeable and prettier now,”Joan's face turned red at the unexpected ________.

A. command

B. comparison

C. compliment

D. contribution

22. C考查名词的含义。command 命令,指令,掌握;comparison比较;compliment 恭维;contribution贡献。句意:当理查德说道“现在的你更讨人喜欢,更漂亮了”时,由于这个意想不到的恭维,乔安的脸变红了。

23. [2014·湖北卷] Seeing the big crowd coming towards him, he started to run down the hill, but ________ and went down on his hands and knees in the melting snow.

A. slipped

B. skied

C. signalled

D. sank

23. A考查动词的含义。slip 滑倒;ski 滑雪;signal 向……发信号;sink下沉。句意:看到一大群人向他冲过来,他开始向山下跑,但他滑倒了,手和膝盖都趴在融雪里面。

24. [2014·湖北卷] The old rules have to be ________ because they only applied to the circumstances that existed when they were made a hundred years ago.

A. developed

B. established

C. observed

D. revised

24. D考查动词的含义。develop 发展,发育;establish 建立,创办;observe 观察,遵守;revise 修订,修改。句意:这些旧的规则得修订了,因为它们只适用于100年前这些规则被制定的时候所存在的情况。

25. [2014·湖北卷] I've been trying to phone Charles all evening, but there must be something wrong with the network; I can't seem to ________.

A. get through

B. get off

C. get in

D. get along

25. A考查动词短语的含义。get through 接通,通过;get off 下车;get in 收割,收获;get along相处,进展。句意:我整个晚上都在打查理的电话,但一定是网络出了问题,我似乎无法打通他的电话。

26. [2014·湖北卷] Is this your necklace, Mary? I ________ it when I was cleaning the bathroom this morning.

A. came across

B. dealt with

C. look after

D. went for

26. A考查动词短语的含义。come across 偶然发现,遇到;deal with 处理,应付;look after 照看;go for 喜欢,适用于。句意:玛丽,这是你的项链吗?今天早上我清理浴室的时候偶然发现了它。

27. [2014·湖北卷] What was so ________ about Jasmine Westland's victory was that she came first in the marathon bare-footed.

A. awful

B. essential

C. impressive

D. obvious

27. C考查形容词的含义。awful 极讨厌的;essential 极其重要的;impressive 印象深刻的;obvious明显的。句意:关于Jasmine Westland的胜利给人印象最深刻的是她赤脚赢得了马拉松比赛的第一名。

28. [2014·湖北卷] Instead of blaming the child who had broken the vase, she gave him a ________ smile and let him go.

A. cautious

B. grateful

C. tolerant

D. wild

28. C考查形容词的含义。cautious谨慎的;grateful 感激的;tolerant 容忍的,宽容的,wild狂野的,疯狂的。句意:她并没有责备那个打破花瓶的孩子,相反,她对他宽容地笑了一下,并让他离开了。

29. [2014·湖北卷] Hardly had Sabrina finished her words when Albert said ________,“Don't be so mean,” pointing a finger of warning at her.

A. dreadfully

B. guiltily

C. indirectly

D. sharply

29. D考查副词的含义。sharply急剧地,严厉地;indirectly 间接地;guiltily 愧疚地;dreadfully极度地。句意:Sabrina一说完她的话,Albert就用手指着警告她,并严厉地说:“不要这么苛刻!”

30. [2014·湖北卷] Check carrots, potatoes, onions and any other vegetables ________ and immediately use or throw away any which show signs of rotting.

A. in demand

B. in store

C. on loan

D. on sale

30. B考查介词短语的含义。in demand 大量需求;in store 储藏的,即将发生的;on loan 暂借的;on sale出售,上市。句意:检查一下我们存储的胡萝卜、土豆、洋葱和其他蔬菜,立刻把那些有腐烂迹象的用掉或者扔掉。




When our restaurant business failed, we headed north in a camping truck to Texas, hoping to have a “fresh start”.

At the __31__of Palo Duro Canyon(峡谷) State Park, I __32__ a job advertisement hiring park hosts. The position offered a __33__,permanent campsite in the park, and __34__,the hosts served as a link between the park's guests and the rangers(护林人). It was the perfect solution: a rent-free place to reorganize our lives. We entered the park and I made an
