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班级:_____________ 姓名:________________ 分数:______________




1. suggest a. 设计 6. 身体健康 f. more


2. excellent b. 更喜欢 7. 去除 g.. be

made of

3. upset c. 建议 8. 只要 h. as long


4. prefer d. 不安的 9. 由…制成 i. in shape

5. design e. 优秀的 10. 多于 j. get rid




11. All the workers in the past ______ do too much work.

A. were made

B. are made

C. were made to

D. are made to

12. -----Where is this kind of bicycle ________


A. made of

B. made in

C. made from

D. made for

13. ______ time do you spend online every day

A. How many

B. How long

C. How much

D. How often

14. ----Hope Computer Store. _________

-----Yes, I want to buy a computer.

A. Can I help you

B. Would you like to order

C. This way, please

D. Excuse me

15. He visited a lot of places ______ he was traveling.

A. where

B. that

C. while

D. what

16. Lily had learned a little Chinese ______ he came to China.

A. after

B. before

C. when D, while

17. ---- _____________

---- I have a runny nose.

A.What have you done

B. What’s the matter with you

18. _____________ she is !

A. What beautiful a girl

B. How a beautiful girl

C. What a beautiful girl

D. How beautiful a girl

19. She told me that sun ____ in the east.

A. will rise

B. rose

C. rises

D. risen

20. I hear that he ____ in the sea yesterday.

A. swims

B. swam

C. swimming

D. swim

21. My brother _____ this bike for almost four years.

A. has had

B. has bought

C. bought

D. had had

22. ----______you ever _______America

----Yes, I have.

A. Have, gone to

B. Have, gone in

C. Have, been to

D. Have, been in

23. The twins _____ in Beijing last year, but they _____ here now.

A. were ,are

B. are, were

C. was, are

D. were, was

24. It ____ fine yesterday and there _____ many children in the park.

A. was, was

B. is. are

C. was, were

D. were, were

25. ----- Was she in the library the day before yesterday

-----______. She read a very interesting novel.

A. No, she didn’t

B. Yes, she did

C. Yes, she was

D. No, she wasn’t



In the past, when students graduated from college and got jobs, only some of them went on with their studies. __26___ today, life long (终生学习) is becoming __27___ common.

Lucy, who is forty, teaches physics at a college in Boston. “Next term, I will teach some of my classes by __28___ the Internet. This is the way of teaching that I’ v __29___used before.” says Lucy. “These days I have taken a class

to learn how to teach in this way. ___30___. I would lost my job.” At the same time. Lucy’s __31____ parents, who live in New York, are taking __32___ art

history class online. “We love this subject.”says her father, “and learn it to enjoy ___33___. You see we can study with people all __34___ the world. __35____ fun it is to learn like this!”

27. A. many and many B. much and much C. more and more D. less and


28. A. use B. using C. used D. to used

29. A. hard B. often C. usually D. never

30. A. Why not B. If not C. Unless not D. Because not

31. A. seventieth years old B. seventy-years-old C. seventy-year-old D.

seventy year old

32. A. an B. / C. a D. the

33. A. themselves B. myself C. herself D. ourselves

34. A. in B. on C. out D. over

35. A. What B. How C. What a D. How a
