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break ~away 突然离开,强行逃脱~out 爆发,使逃走~down 损坏,(车)抛锚~through 突围

~in 闯入,插嘴~up 粉碎,终止(关系)

~off (谈话,谈判等)中断

Bring ~about 导致~forward 提议~down 打倒,降低~out 拿出,出版

~up 提出,扶贫,养育

Call ~for 要求,邀约~on 拜访,号召~off 取消~up 打电话,召集Come ~across 偶遇~off 发生,成功,脱落~to 打倒,苏醒,涉及~on (口)快点,进展

~out 出现,出版~up to 比得上

~through 历经···仍存活下来~up with 想出,拿出Cut ~down 削减~in 打断,超车拦挡~off 阻断~out 删去

Get ~across 讲清楚,被了解~along(with)进展,过活~on with 与···友好相处~out 退出(组织)

~down 写下~over 康复,克服(困难)

~together 开会

Give ~away 泄露,赠送~in 屈服~off 释放(光、热)~up 放弃,辞去

~way to 闪开,让位于···

Go ~after 追求~in for 从事,喜好~ahead 继续,开始~over 仔细查看

~down/up 下降/上升~out (火等)熄灭,过时Hand ~down 把···传下去~in 上交,交上~out 分发,散发~over 移交

Hold ~back 退缩,隐瞒,阻拦~on 坚持~out 伸出,不屈服~up 延误,耽搁Keep ~back 隐瞒,阻止~to 遵守,坚持~up 坚持,(使)不停止~up with 跟上Let ~alone 更别提,不打扰~down 让···失望~go(of)松手~off 排放,宽恕Look ~after 照料~at 看,看待~back 回顾,回忆~down on/upon 轻视

~in 顺便访问~on 旁观

~out 留神,注意~over 察看

~through 浏览,仔细检查~up 查(字典),向上看Make ~for 向···走去~out 理解,看出,列出~up 构成,编造,化妆~up for 弥补

Be made up with 由··构成be made from 由···做成Put ~down 镇压,拖迟~forward 提出~off 推迟,拖延~on 穿上,上演,假装

~out 熄灭,公布~up 张贴,投宿

~up with 容忍

Run ~away with 不受···的约束~into 遇到,共计~out of 用光,用完~over (车等)辗过See ~about 办理~off 给··送行~to 负责,修理~(to it)that 务必做到

~through 看穿,帮···度过

Set ~about 开始,着手~apart 分开~aside 储蓄,留出,不理会~back 推迟

~down 写下,记下~off 启程

~out to do 开始做···~up 创立,开业Stand ~by 袖手旁观,支持~for 代表,主张,容忍~out 与众不同,杰出~up for 维护,保卫

~up to 抵抗,经受不住

Take ~after 与···相像~apart 拆开~back 收回~down 记下

~for 把···看成~in 领会,接受,(被动)欺骗

~off 起飞,脱下~on 呈现,承担

~over 接管~to 开始喜欢,从事

~up 开始从事,占用

Turn ~against 厌恶,与···敌对~in 呈出,交~down 拒绝,调小(音量等)~off 关闭

~out 出现,结果是···~over 翻身,深思熟虑

~to 翻到,请求(帮忙)


abide by 固守,遵守absorbed in 吸引,占时间accord with 与···一致,相符account for 说明,证明accuse…of…控告,起诉act on(upon)按照··行事adapt to 适应add up to 总计,总共adhere to 坚持,粘着agree on 商定,约定

aim at 瞄准,旨在answer to 符合,适合于apply to sd. for sth. 向···申请···approve of 批准,赞成arrange for 安排associate with 与···相联系attribute to 把··归因于··bear in mind 记住,记在心里

begin with 开始belong to 属于

boast of/about 吹嘘burst into 闯进,突然··起来can′t help doing something 不由自主care about 关心,对··感兴趣care for喜欢,照顾,照看carry away 搬走,使入迷carry forward 发扬carry on 进行

carry out 贯彻,执行carry through 完成

catch hold of 抓住,得到catch up with 追上,赶上clean up 清扫clear up 清理,完成,天晴cling to 坚持,紧握combine with 同··结合起来comment on 对··加以评论compare with 与··对比complain about(of)报怨concentrate on(upon)专心于consist in 在于consist of 由··组成correspond to(with)符合,一致correspond with 与··通信count on(upon)指望,依靠decide on(upon)决定depart from 离开depend on(upon)依赖,依靠differ from 与··不同do without 省去,无须

draw near 行近,将近draw upon sd. 拔出武器威胁·dream of 梦想drop in 顺便拜访

dwell on(upon)细想,详述earn one’s living 谋生

eat up 吃光engage in 正忙于,从事fall behind 落后feel like doing sth. 想做··fill with 用···把··充满fix up 修理

free from 免除,解放furnish with 供给,装备grow up 生长,长大guard against 提防,注意hand down 传给后世have a word with sb. 和··说句话have trouble in doing sth 做··有困难head for 向··方向前进hear about(of)听说hear from sb 收到某人来信hope for 希望有,期望得到impose on(upon)把·强加给···improve on 对··做出改进instead of 代替,而不是interfere in 干涉interfere with 妨碍,干扰involve in 卷入,陷入isolate from 与···隔离keep an eye upon 照料,照管keep fit 保持健康

kick out 逐出,开除knock down 打倒,撞到laugh at 嘲笑lead to 通向,导致

lean on(against)靠在··上learn by heart 记住,背下learn from 向··学习leave alone 丢下不管,不理会live on 以···维持生命、生活long for 想得到

lose one’s temper 发脾气lose one’s way 迷路

lose tough with 与···失去联系make do 将就使用

meet with 遇见mistake…for…把···错当成name after 以··命名object to 反对

part from(with)与···分别participate in 参加,参与pass away 消磨时间,逝世pass on 传递,移交pass over 不注意,忽略pass through 经过,经历
