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阶段2试卷听力材料(2019. 5)


Part 1

A.. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片

1. Tim is working hard in order to pass the final exam this time. (B)

2. Paul is old enough to do housework such as washing dishes. (F)

3. Sam and his mother have shown great interest in paper cutting. (C)

4. Mike will plant more trees in his school garden to make it greener. (E)

5. Look at the sign, please. You are not allowed to park your car here. (D)

6. Mary is good at painting and she often goes painting outdoors in summer. (G)

B.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear

7.W: John, have you seen Alice? I haven’t seen her for days.

M: Oh, she is ill in the hospital. Mike, Mary and I have just visited her. She is much better today.

Q: Who is ill in the hospital? (B)

8. W: Excuse me, could you tell me which bus I should take to the City Museum?

M: You can take No.2 bus or No.11 bus to get there. They will arrive soon and you can wait for them here.

W: Thank you!

Q: Where does this dialogue probably happen?(A)

9. M: Hey, Judy. How was your study trip to London last summer?

W: It was wonderful. But it rained a lot in London. I had to take an umbrella with me almost every day. How about the weather in Shanghai then?

M: Oh, it was very hot and sunny.

Q: How was the weather in London last summer? (A)

10. M: Shall we go to see Mrs. White this afternoon, Anna? She is not feeling well.

W: Yes, let’s go there by underground.

M: No, the underground station is far away from our school. I think we’d better go by taxi.

W: All right.

Q: How will they go to see Mrs. White? (D)

11. M: We are going out for a spring outing tomorrow.

W: Great! We have to meet at the school gate at 5:45, don’t we?

M: Yes, we do. We’ll catch the 6:30 bus to Suzhou.

Q: When will the bus leave? (D)

12. M: What are you going to do this weekend, Mary?

W: I’m going to the zoo with my parents. How about you?

M: I’m just gonna stay home and watch TV.

Q: What’s Mary going to do this weekend? (B)

13. M: Mrs. Turner, I didn’t do my homework last night because I didn’t understand it.

W: Sit down now, Ken, and I’ll explain it as soon as everyone is quiet.

Q: What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers? (C)

14.W: Joe, why are you so excited?

M: Though I have seen these ancient things many times, I am still so glad to see them every time. I think I have never visited a better museum than this one.

Q: What does the man mean? (C)

C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false

Robert was a clever young man and got on well with his classmates. They all liked him and played with him though he often boasted. He hoped to join the army when he left school. Bad luck! His leg was hurt in a traffic accident and he couldn’t walk. He had to go to his home village and help his father to manage the farm. He read a lot of books on farming and did well in it. And ten years later he became the richest farmer in his village.

One day Robert met several friends. They knew nothing about their friend. It made him unhappy and he asked them to visit his farm. They agreed and went there with him. They saw a beautiful house with a big garden when they got there. Robert and his family warmly welcomed them. The next morning he took them to his farm. They found he had a lot of sheep, pigs and cows. The farm was so large that they couldn’t see the other end and it surprised them all.

“It’ll take you two days to reach the other end of my farm by car!” Robert said happily.

“I think something is wrong with your car!” one of his friends said with a smile.

15-20 : FFFTTT

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentence

The red phone box in Britain is a perfect example of the British traditional culture. However, with the fast development of mobile phones, it has lost its place in people’s everyday life. In order to save their loved red phone boxes, people have thought up many ideas, for example, to turn them into art houses.

In a village in Somerset, a place in South West England, villagers have thought up a clever way to save their red phone box. They turned it into a mini library. The idea was given by a local villager, Janet Fisher, who lives opposite the phone box.

People can put the books that they have read inside the phone box, and take away the books that they’d like to read. The books are always changing. The books are of different kinds, such as cookbooks and children’s books.

Anyone can come and read books there free of charge. The phone box library is open 365 days a year and 24 hours a day. At night, the light will be on.

It’s very pleasing that the red phone box has been saved. More importantly, it can continue providing a service for people.

(21. fast development 22. to save 23. turn into 24. 24 hours 25.a service)

Part II


26-30 ABBAB 31-35 CADBA 36-40 ACBDB 41-45 CCCAA


46-49 CBEA 50-53 CDEA
