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I. 常用句型归纳


1)The following characteristics may best demonstrate certain advantages of …
2)…In general, the situation is still serious.
3)Bright side and dark side of… have been summarized as follows.
4)Different people have different opinions(ideas) about …
5)In daily life, we often meet with various situations concerning …
6)People enjoy several benefits from …
7)Different attitudes towards … may be listed as follows.

1)It has been said that …
2)In my opinion, it is right to …
3)In a certain sense , …

1)In order to … I write this passage / letter.
2)The present author (笔者、本文作者)has written this essay so as to …
3)This article is written not for the purpose of …, but for the purpose of …
4)The composition is written for the sake of …
5)I have this report published in the hope of …
6)Owing to(Because of / Due to / On account of)…, I write these words.

1)What has caused the problem ?
2)Have you ever thought about the factors which can be attributed to the
3)What is the nature of …?
4)What are the causes of this new phenomenon?
5) ____ now plays such an influential part in people’s lives that it is essential for
us to try to decide whether it is a blessing(福)or a curse(祸). Obviously
____ has both bright side and dark side. But does the former outweigh the latter?
6)It has never been explained why …
7)No one could explain why …

1)… refer to …
2)… may be described as …
3)…can be defined as …

1)An ancient Chinese saying goes, “ … ”.
2)As an English proverb exposes one truth , “ … ”.
3)A motto (箴言,座右铭)reads, “ … ”.
4)A famous philosopher once said, “ … ”.


first (ly) 第一 at first 最初
first of all 首先,第一 in the beginning 起初
in the first place 首先,第一 at present 现在
to begin with 首先,第一 currently 目前
to start with 首先,第一 lately 最近
recently 最近 now 现在
generally speaking 一般说来 on the whole 从总体上看
for one thing (

常与for another连用) 首先
on (the) one hand (常与on the other hand 连用) 一方面

second (ly) 第二;第二点 in other words 换句话说
third (ly) 第三;第三点 in particular 尤其是
also (or too) 并且;又;也 in the same way 同样地
besides (this) 此外 after that 此后
in addition 此外 afterwards 此后
in addition to 除......之外 after a few days 几天之后
furthermore 而且;此外 after a while 过了一会儿
moreover 而且;此外 from now on 从现在开始
what is more 而且;此外 apart from 除……之外
just as 正如 similarly 同样地
for example 例如 for instance 例如
as an example 例如 meanwhile 与此同时
at the same time 同时 as another example 再如
by this time 此时 namely 即;就是
soon 不久 then 然后
of course 当然 for this purpose 为此
equally important 同样重要 another example is … 再如
for another (前句有for one thing) 其次
a case in point is 适当的例子是 to illustrate 比如
an illustration of this 例如 for another 其次
still another 再如 for another example 再如

after all 毕竟 on the contrary 相反地
but 但是 in contrast 相比之下
yet 仍然;然而 unlike… 与……不同
however 然而 whereas… 然而……
on the other hand 另一方面 nevertheless 尽管如此
nonetheless 尽管如此 all the same 但是
conversely 相反 unfortunately 不幸地
though 尽管如此 still 仍然
although 虽然 in fact 事实上
despite or in spite of 尽管 as a matter of fact 事实上
by comparison 比较而言 by contrast 对比而言
in reality 实际上

finally 最后 as has been noted 如前所述
hence 因此 as I have said 如我所述
in brief 简言之 at last 终于
in conclusion 总之 at length 最后;终于
for that reason 正因为如此 in consequence

in short 简而言之 by and large 一般说来
in summary 概括地说 consequently 因此
therefore 因此 eventually 最终
thus 因此 accordingly 于是
to sum up 总而言之 indeed 的确
to conclude 总而言之 surely 无疑
to summarize 总而言之 no doubt 毫无疑问
briefly 简单地说 undoubtedly 无疑
above all 最重要的是 truly 的确
as a consequence 因此 so 所以
as a result 结果 obviously 显然
for this reason 正因为如此 certainly 无疑
in a word 一言以敝之 in sum 总而言之
as the above examples show 如上述例子所示
in the final analysis 分析归结到一点

[注] (1)上面所列各种“启、承、转、合”表达方式只是一个基本分类。在不同的上、下文中,有的表达方式如:naturally, obviously, consequently等可以表达多种逻辑关系。在具体的上下文中究竟哪一个为最佳表达方式仍需进一步甄选。


1) The suggestion(proposal, plan, scheme, etc.) is open to question(discussion,
argument etc.).
2)The phenomenon remains to be further studied.
3)This article is only the beginning of a long essay.
4)What has been discussed above is only the tip of an iceberg (冰山一角).
5)The story is hardly unique, there are many similar stories in reality.
6)This is not the only case. It is worth conducting further research.
7)But this new application is another story—one we will talk about in another article.

1)It’s time for us to realize the urgency of the situation. Complaint and gloom are useless, we should readjust to new challenges. Today we must take immediate actions to preserve a hopeful tomorrow.
2)Though we have made much progress, we must remember that it is only the first step in the right direction. Let’s continue to contribute our efforts and ideas. To solve the problem(To reach our goals, To realize our dreams ,To carry out the project further etc.), we still have a long way to go.
3)To realize this vision, we should initiate(开始,着手) a series of measures. Firstly,
government must enforce strategic policy in the long run. Secondly, the development of ___ has to come along with the perfecting o

f the country’s laws(or democracy or social security network, etc.). Thirdly, the power to implement laws(执法力度)should be strengthened. All this means that we must take immediate and efficient actions.
4)Ways of coping with the issue are many, but what really counts is that we should do
more than talk about handling the problem. Only when the whole country(or the whole world)all go into action can we really solve it. Bear in mind the old saying, “Actions speak louder than words.”
5)To deal with the serious crisis, governments at all levels or governments worldwide(各级政府或各国政府)have had to adopt legal, economic and administrative(行
政的)means. Besides, common folks should make consistent efforts. Let’s keep a
close watch over the progress.
6)In order to prevent the bad situation from turning worse, all sides concerned must find an efficient way to cope with it. The authorities related should improve the system and carry out regulations more strictly. Meanwhile ordinary citizens should abide by(遵守)laws and regulations.
7)I am making this appeal for society to pay overwhelming attention to this essential issue. It is not enough for government to strengthen supervision of the management of ___(加强对……管理的监督). All the concerned citizens must translate high spirit into more concrete(具体的)and practical actions. We need to work harder to achieve our goal.

1)Much of the worsening situation could be changed if all sides make more effective efforts. We have high hopes for people because they may translate high spirit into more concrete and practical actions.
2)Fortunately the solutions are in sight. The success of previous practice indicates a new dimension(direction方向). Advanced science and technology will be introduced and applied in solving the problem. The road is tough, but the future is bright.
3)Clearly, as the economy develops and society advances, ____ will play increasingly
important roles in modern life, and will thus become an indispensable part for people’s life.
4)Every old game has a definite end ,and every new one is a world reborn. The change will be a turning point from poverty to prosperity(繁荣).We are confident that we will bring our hopes to fruition, and we are certain that tomorrow will be better than today.
5)If the decline continues, the situation will soon be out of control. In this sense, the
fighting is a life-and-death struggle. Therefore, the industrial insiders (业内人士)are likely to seek immediate solutions to halt(阻止)the worsening trend (趋势).
6)After carefully weighing the pros and cons(权衡利弊), the government will probably take some actions to prevent the current situation from worsening.
7)The struggle(debate, argument ,battle, campaign etc.)will go on.
8)The argument never seems to end.

issue will arouse controversial reviews .
10)It is likely that more efforts are needed to reveal the truth(fact, secret, mystery etc.). Though the process for scientists(explorers or the like)to succeed might be long and arduous(艰巨的), their courage will be rewarded, their efforts will pay off.

1)Obviously, the use of ____(某种技术、发明、革新项目如克隆技术、互联网、转基因食品、数码电视或生活用品如汽车、电话、空调等), like anything else, has both advantages and disadvantages. While they are so indispensable to mankind they also bring serious problems. We only can hope that people, while making the best use of ____,
will eventually find a satisfactory solution to the problems caused by them.
2)So we can conclude: ____ can give us enjoyment, and also bring some troubles. All that depends on how we make use of it. We should make it our good servant, not our bad master.
3)From the discussion above, it can be summed up that ____ is one of the most useful
things in modern life. Its advantages are self-evident, while its disadvantages are
headaches. Now we must try our best to make it serve us well. At the same time, we should take measures to limit and reduce its side effects.
4)Clearly, like everything else, ____ has two sides — the bright side and the dark side. The dark side does not mean that we should abandon ____, of course. It does mean that we have had to find ways to deal with the problems ____ causes. The key to the question is how we use it to its best advantage.
5)Weighing the two sides, both arguments seem to be reasonable. It is no denying(不可否认)that as a miracle(奇迹)of technology created by human beings, ____ has
penetrated(渗透)nearly every aspect of our life, therefore, its influences on society are of a big concern. It also goes without saying(不言而喻)that ___ may be applied by evil people to harm public, thus ____ should be brought under control.
6)There are many other arguments for and against____. I think, we must realize that in
itself ____ is neither good nor bad. Actually, it is the uses to which it is put that
determine its value to people and society.
7)In view of the mentioned features of ____ , the use of ____ should be well controlled. We ought to find a safer means which will bring joy and comfort rather than blood and tears.


(1) 【bar graph / column graph直方图 / 柱形图】【pie chart / 饼状图】【line graph / 曲线图】【solid line / 实线】【break line / 虚线】【dot line / 点状线】show /
indicate / outline / illustrat

e the general pattern of …
(2) 【number / rate / percentage / figure】of …【rise / fall / increase / decrease / shoot up / decline】【dramatically / sharply / steadily / slightly / drastically / gradually】from …
in … to … in …
2. 描述曲线
…【reach its peak / top / bottom / valley】【remain the same】【level off / taper
off】【fluctuate wildly / mildly】
3. 数据组成
The total number is 100. Of this figure, 10 are A, 20 are B and 70 are C. Therefore, C accounts for the greatest number.
4. 数据对比
A occupies only 5%, which stands in marked contrast to the 95% of B
5. 数据升降
… loses its attraction / becomes a general favorite
6. 数据变化
Over the period from … to …, the trend was towards a decrease in A, while there was an upward trend in B. There was a dramatic fall in A from the year…. However, from the year … on, the rate of decrease slowed down and there was a more gradual reduction in A, reaching a figure of 10,000 in the year …. The number in B rose steadily, reaching 2000 in the year …, to a peak of 4000 in the year ….
7. 数据下降
10 percent of people preferred to do A in 2002, but only 5 percent of people stuck to the same preference in 2003.
8. 最低数据
Each year / month, there were at least 5 people involved in …
9. 数据接近
The year 2004 saw the least difference between A and B.
10. 数据关联
To sum up, the relation ship between A and B appear (inversely) proportional.
11. 同向变化
The trend continues through out the graph.
12. 事物归类
… be categorized under 10 headings/be divided into 10 stages
13. 两张图表
the first piece of data / the second set of date
14. 数据翻倍
(1) It was 10 in 2001, but 30 in 2003, increased three times.
(2) From just 100 in 2002 to over 4 times this amount in 2003.
15. 比较速度
(1) In 2001, increase was spectacular, compared with 2002.
(2) A shows the greatest increase. B also shows an increase but it’s not so
