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1.How can I build


ipate in more social


2.What could help me

be happier?-plan fun

activities to look

forward to every


3.How can I lose

weight?-cut down on


4.What can I do to save

money?-come up

with a budget.

5.How can I improve

my memory?-play

concentration games.

6.How can I get along

with my roommate

better?-try not to get

peeved about little



1.If I’d listened to my

parents, I would have

made more pragmatic


2.If I’d been more

active, I wouldn’t be


3.If I’d been more

ambitious, I could

have gotten a


4.If I’d studied harder

in school, I could

have learned a lot


5.If I’d saved my

money, I wouldn’t be

as broke as I am now. 第10课(语法)

1.Rock music has been

popular for more than

50 years. The Beatles

were a well-known

English band in the

1960s. They

performed together

for ten years-from

1960 to 1970. In 2003,

the Beatles released

another album, even

though two of the

original members had

already died. The

album was recorded

in 1969, nearly 40

years ago.

2.In 2003, the United

States launched two

Mars exploration

spacecraft. Their

mission, which lased

for more than a year,

was to gather

information about the

rocks, soil, and

atmosphere on Mars

using rovers called

spirit and

Opportunity. The

rovers functioned

longer than anyone

expected –scientists

thought they would

last for only four

months on Mars.

During/In that time

they sent back

thousands of pictures

of the surface of



1.In ten years, flights

from New York to

Tokyo will take less

than two hour. (take)

2.Soon they will sell

computers that can

translate perfectly

from one language to

another. (sell)

3.By the middle of the

twenty-first century,

scientists will have

discovered a way to

prevent aging.


4.Sometime in the

future, scientists will

invent a machine

that transmits our


5.Within 50 years,

people will be living

on the moon. (live)

6.In less than a century,

global warming will

have melted most of

the polar ice caps

and many coastal

cities will have




The term global

village implies that people

around the world are

connected and face the

same kinds of problems.

The global village became

possible because of

political and technological

changes in the past half

century. Politically, the

end of the cold war made

the global village possible

by opening new channels

of communications

between nations. The

evolution of the

microchip has made

satellites and computers

possible. These new

forms of communication

have made people more

aware of their neighbors.


1. You can’t escape

advertising nowadays, can


2. There aren’t enough

gun-control laws, are


3. Noise pollution is a

major problem here, isn’t


4. There are more and

more homeless people on

the streets, aren’t there?

5. The sales tax

should be lowered,

shouldn’t it?

6. It isn’t easy to save

money these days, is it?

7. Downsizing is

hurting the economy, isn’t


8. The city doesn’t do

enough for stray animals,

does it?

