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1 分,共计 10 分)

第二节 . 词语解释

从下列各项的四个选项中选出一个与橛子中划线部分意思相近的选项(每题1 分,共计 15 分)

came back to their hotel at midninght.

to to C turned to to

often visits his grandfuther in the country.

at on for back

has no idea how to tack care of the baby.

for at after through

is hard for me to work the math priblem out .

is most important to attent the meeting to be held tomorrow.

girl wearing a red jacket is my cousin .

were having supper and just there the doorball rang.

did he set out for Xiamen yesterday?

for from to off

won”t have another holiday until next summer .

will have his car repired tomorrow.

English tescher ,Mr Brown ,is from Canada

from from from from

eggs are 40p a half dozen


son likes pop misic ,but he does not have interest in classical misic .

not fond of not fanous for not afraic of not

paesased with

Huang has been to England twice

visited gone to reached returned from

had the candles on all night long in memeryof the people whodied in earthquake


第三节 . 语法知识


is bigger than ______counrty an asia

other other

he suggested sounds reasonable , ______ ?

not it it not he he

,I achieved English in todayis test


right pleasure

feel our duty to help the survivors out ,

1 分,共计25 分)

stay ___you are ,I will be back in a minute

raised his voice to make himself


32. The building shape look like which which a bird is nest is our



33. — I hear John singing downstairs.

----It___be John ,for he left for tokyo yesterday.

not not not not

____go out ,as she is so basy.

she she she she

boy of nine ,he is very brave ,for he rushed in to save two pf his classmates out.


will not be long ____the 29”Olyrapic Games take place in BEIJING

37.—Shall go on an outing this weekend?


idea ahead yourself way

38.—Ray,tell me the difference betweet these two words

---Sorry,sir! I_____.

not listening not listening not listen listen

,he found himself facing Mr Turner,his headmaster.

turn turned

40.—Excuse me ,sir! Do you sell ___made in China?

-----Yes ,What size do you want?

cups”s cups of coffee cup

____back last night ,but he hasn’tturned up by now .

expected expected expected

walked down the dark street____he feared no danger.

that if

airplace makes ____world____small place.


is a beautifulgirl,she is _____beautiful than Nancy,I think she is

___beautiful girl in our class .

,the most ,more,muchmore ,much

sichuan earthquarke ____a week ago,he____in Hong Kong on business. happened,has been happened,is ,was ,is

was_____midnight when he returned from work.

of survivors are standing in the open air,____to be helped.

not they’ ll join us remains unknown,


up,MR Smith ____for us at the gate

waiting waited wait waited

students are coughing badly,They ____like this ever since last night.

been been
