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If you’re the smartest person in your circle,you’re in the wrong circle—you’ve outgrown it.It’s time to move to the next1.This saying encourages people to2more by hanging out with those3are more driven and experienced than they are.

I heard this saying4to me from my friend this past week.Ally,Wes and I have been running for upcoming5.I’m going to do another1K and Ally and Wes are going to do the 2mile obstacle course.6,their training is more intense than mine,but when I was in7 with them last week,Wes suddenly said,“You should8with us!”

“You mean do9you’re doing?”I asked,with a surprised look on my face.“Exactly,”he answered.“You can do it!You10need someone to push you.”

As much as I11to admit it,he was right.I needed to12outside my comfort zone.I always let them run ahead of me,content to run at my own comfortable pace.But that was the 13—I’d grown too comfortable with my training.

I hadn’t been pushing myself.Ever since I had the surgery in April,I was a little14about running again.I was afraid to even try15that night when Wes pushed me into it—and outside my comfort zone.He was right!I was able to run—only about1minutes at a time before I had to walk again—but it was a(n)16.And that was all I needed to get back to it—no longer afraid to train harder.

Recently I have17my“training circle”to include Ally and Wes,and he wasn’t afraid to push me.

So,how are the circles in your life?Are you being18in every area of your life,or are you very comfortable these days,not being19at all,still living inside your comfort zone?If you’re the most20one,then it’s time to get into a new circle or at least add to your existing ones.

1.A.pattern B.level C.item D.standard

2.A.appreciate B.pay C.achieve D.solve

3.A.what B.who C.which D.whom

4.A.directly B.immediately C.suddenly D.gradually

5.A.sports B.exams C.races D.performances

6.A.Hopefully B.Thankfully C.Fortunately D.Obviously

pany B.love C.touch D.relation

8.A.play B.exercise C.train D.go

9.A.which B.that C.where D.what

10.A.still B.just C.even D.never

11.A.expected B.agreed C.hated D.failed

12.A.spread B.shift C.immigrate D.step

13.A.opinion B.sight ment D.problem

14.A.particular B.nervous C.confused D.excited

15.A.since B.if C.after D.until

16.A.stop B.start C.end D.distance

17.A.entered B.traced C.drawn D.enlarged

18.A.shocked B.challenged C.stricken D.frightened

19.A.shaken B.stretched C.punished D.stimulated

20.A.confident B.special C.intelligent D.independent



【精析】B pattern:模式;level:水平,等级;item:项目;standard:标准。根据句意“是时候进入下一个等级了”并结合上文中的circle一词可知,选B。


【精析】C appreciate:欣赏;pay:花费;achieve:取得,获得;solve:解决。根据句意“这一谚语鼓励人们和那些比他们更努力和更有经验的人一起混来得到更多”可知,选C。




【精析】A directly:直接地;immediately:立刻,马上;suddenly:突然地;gradually:逐渐地。根据句意“我上周从我的朋友那里听到了这句直接对我讲的话”可知,应选A。


【精析】C sport:运动;exam:考试;race:比赛;performance:表演,表现。根据下文中的“5K”和“the12mile obstacle course”可知,此处应指比赛。故选C。


【精析】D hopefully:有希望地;thankfully:感激地;fortunately:幸运地;obviously:明显地。根据语境可知,他们的训练强度明显是大于“我”的。故选D。


【精析】A in company with sb.为固定搭配,意为“和某人一起”。in love with:与……相爱;in touch with:与……联系;in relation常与to连用。故选A。


【精析】C根据上文中的“their training is more intense than mine”可知,此处为原词复现,应用train。故选C。




【精析】B still:仍然;just:只是;even:甚至;never:决不。根据句意“你可以做到的!你只是需要有人推你一把”可知,选B。


【精析】C expect:希望;agree:同意;hate:讨厌,不愿意;fail:失败。根据语境可知,尽管“我”不愿承认,但他是对的。故选C。

